Jaime Lourenço
PhD in Communication Sciences from Iscte, with a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Master in Journalism and a degree in Public Relations and Business Communication from the Escola Superior de...
Joana de Matos
Joana Matos is currently an assistant professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), a guest assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVASBE) and an integrated researcher...
Joana Monteiro
Joana Pereira
Joana Reis
PhD in Communication Sciences from the Catholic University of Portugal, Master in Political Science and International Relations and a degree in Com Social e Cultural from the same institution.
João Belo Rodeia
João Favila
João Ferreira Oliveira
Guest assistant professor at the Department of Communication Sciences, with a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Beira Interior (UBI), João Ferreira Oliveira has spent much of his life...
João Fialho
Doctoral student and degree in History at the Autonomous University of Lisbon Postgraduate in Museology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Nova University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) Postgraduate in Management and Valu...
Joao Gil Antunes
João Gil Antunes is a Portuguese lawyer who also has experience as a secretary of international arbitration tribunals. In both roles, he worked on several controversies involving sovereign states, organi...
João Gomes Silva
João Hippolyto
He holds a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Geneva (1976) and a Doctor of Psychology from the University of Algarve (2014) Degree in Medicine from the University of Lourenço Marques (1969), with the Federal Diploma of...
João Louro
Born in 1960, in Lisbon, Master in Portuguese and French Literature from Universidade Nova de Lisboa Postgraduate in Journalism from Universidade Complutense de Madrid Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures...
João Luís Graça
João Miguel
João Miguel is an associate professor at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) Master and Doctor in Communication Sciences from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) in Brazil Graduated in Philosophy from the Faculty of...
João Nabais
Graduated in Communication Sciences from UAL, postgraduate in Hospital Administration from the National School of Public Health, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ENSP – UNL) and postgraduate in Quality Management in...
João Pinto Silva
João Quintela
Joao Santa Rita Fernandes
Architecture Course at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa (1983) Guest Member of the Akademie Fur Baukultur (Germany) Elected President of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (2014/2016) In 1990 he creates with the Architect J...
João Santareno Sousa
Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and coordinator of Rádio Autónoma at the same university, where he produces radio programs, podcasts, audiobooks and advertising spots.
Joao Vasco Gama
Joaquim Toscano Monteiro
Born in the city of Lisbon in 1956, where he has lived and worked He has been linked to university teaching at UAL since 2001 and is currently an associate professor He has participated in the postgraduate teaching of neurosurgery at n...
Joaquín Quirós
Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon Doctorate in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Extremadura since 1993, with equivalence from ISEG- University of Lisbon Teaching univer...
Jónatas Machado
Jorge Bacelar Gouveia
Associate and Doctor in Law Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa since 2008 Jurisconsult, Lawyer and Arbitrator, as well as Director of the Journal of Public Law and the Journal of Law and Security ...
Jorge Vareda Gomes
Degree in Geographic Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, postgraduate degree in Project Management from INDEG-ISCTE, Master in Management from ISCTE and Doctor in Management from ISEG, Universidade de...
José Afonso Says
Degree in Finance from the Higher Institute of Economic and Financial Sciences (ISCEF), in 1971 Doctorate in Economics in the specialty of Business Economics Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa since ...
José Aleixo
Degree in Electrical Engineering and Master in Information and Security Technology and Management from Universidade Independente
José Almaça
Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon Doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences at the Autonomous University of Madrid From 2012 to 2019 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese...
Jose Alves Pereira
He is currently Executive Director of the municipal company “Oeiras Viva – Management of Cultural and Sports Equipment, EM He is also a Senior Technician Jurist on the Board of the Municipality of Oeiras He is a Professor ...
Jose Amado Mendes
José Amado Mendes was born in the municipality of Coimbra He graduated in History at the University of Coimbra (1972) In 1974 he completed his Master's Degree in Sciences of Education at the University of Texas at Austin (USA...
Jose FF Tavares
José FF Tavares Master in Law (Legal-Political Sciences) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon Counselor of the Court of Auditors, since October 7, 2020 he has been President of...
José Félix Ribeiro
Guest Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL), in the Departments of International Relations and Economic and Business Sciences Integrated Researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations...
Jose Guilherme Victorino
He has a degree in History and a postgraduate degree in Communications Advisory from the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, where he is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences.
Jose Guimaraes Magalhaes
PhD in Psychology from the University of Extremadura University professor since 2009 at UAL as Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon as Guest Assistant Professor at ISCSP, in HRM, since 2014...
Pedro Matos is a University Professor in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science and Management in Project Management and Management Control. He completed his degree in Management in 1987, his master's degree in Leadership in 1990, and his...
José Pinheiro
José António Pinheiro was a Professor at NOVASBE for many years where he led all the chairs of Quantitative Methods in Degrees and Masters, being currently a Guest Professor at NOVAIMS where he has had ...
Joseph Subtil
Degree in History from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, Master in History of the 19th and 20th centuries from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Doctor in Polish History.
Julia Varela
Julius Storm
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