
Diário da República, 2nd series – No. 236 – December 9, 2022.


One of the following sets:

  • 04 – Economy
  • 16 - Mathematics


  • 16 - Mathematics
  • 18 – Portuguese


The Degree in Economics at UAL, adapted to the Bologna Process, is characterized by the implementation of innovative methodologies, eminently practical and oriented towards the best practices in the area of economic sciences. In this way, in an environment of great proximity between students, professors and the department, the teaching of economics is based on high quality professors, both from an academic point of view and from a business/organizational experience. The active methodologies correspond to the most recent currents of teaching in the area, oriented towards the discussion of current themes and trends, with frequent involvement of students in extracurricular projects.

At the same time, efforts are constantly made to adapt the course and its methodologies and syllabus to the demands of the labor market, with bodies specifically for this purpose, composed of specialists and managers from large national companies.

Areas covered by the degree in Economics
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Microeconomics;
  • Econometrics;
  • Accounting and taxation;
  • Coins and banks;
  • Finance;
  • National and international economy;
  • Business management.
Ministerial authorization order

Order No. 9957-AG/2007, of April 18, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series – No. 236 – December 9, 2022. Registered under No. R/B-AD-549/2006.
Adaptation of the degree in Economics offered by the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camões to the 1st cycle of studies leading to the degree in Economics — Decree-Law No. 74/2006, of 24 March.

Order no. 9957-AG/2007, of 18 April, DR Accredited by A3ES, on 23/03/2015.


    - Julius Storm

    The main objective of the Course Unit is to provide economists and managers with the essential tools to professionally interact with jurists in the exercise of their functions, namely:
    • Being able to perceive/intuit that there is a legal issue in a certain matter or that the intervention of a jurist can be useful;
    • Understand the area of law in question;
    • Understand the lawyer's response/different solutions that are presented in the resolution of the question (see the specific vocabulary (legal jargon difficult to grasp/handle by non-jurists);
    • Familiarize students with a certain vocabulary/certain approach to problems.

    Mathematics I
    6 ECTS

    - José Pinheiro - Rui Neves

    • Review and consolidate the prerequisites for differential calculus;
    • Consolidate the Differential Calculus with one variable;
    • Extend Differential Calculus to multi-variable functions;
    • Introduction to Integral Calculus and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus;
    • Whenever possible, relate each topic to its application to Economics;
    • Use technologies: scientific or graphing calculator, spreadsheet, Geogebra.

    - Vera Pedragosa

    Provide an introduction to the main theoretical foundations of Management, accompanied by the respective practical exemplification and skills training. The perspective adopted here is that of the multidisciplinary vision of the organization in the value creation process, allowing an awareness of the specificities of each function (vertical level) and a transversal view of the various functions of an organization (horizontal level). The general learning objectives are:

    • Know the main management terminology;
    • Acquire basic management skills: planning, organizing, leading and controlling;
    • Identify and understand organizational models;
    • Understand the role of different organizational structures and their surroundings;
    • Master control and performance indicators.

    - Daniela Monteiro


    • Understand the basic concepts of accounting, acquiring skills that allow knowing how to read and interpret financial statements.


    • To assimilate the economic and social importance of financial accounting, relating it to the professional activities possibly carried out by a future graduate in Management and Economics;
    • Know the institutional framework of accounting, identifying the national and international bodies that regulate it;
    • Identify the financial statements and the main characteristics of each one. Understand the process of preparing them;
    • Know the conceptual framework of financial reporting and, consequently, the objectives of financial statements, their users, the assumptions that govern their preparation, as well as the existing recognition and measurement criteria;
    • Knowing how to account for the operations inherent to the main business cycles, namely: financing; investment; purchases, suppliers and payments; folks; sales, customers and receipts.

    - Joao Falcão Silva - Inacia Pacheco Pereira

    • Understand and analyze consumer options, taking into account the specifics of their preferences;
    • Understand the choice of companies, taking into account their cost functions and the market in which they operate;
    • Recognize the specificities of the competitive market and partial equilibrium;
    • Analyze the competitive market in general equilibrium, with exchange and production. Analyze economic and social well-being.

    - Joaquín Quirós - Pedro Pires Lima

    • Carry out the calculation of interest in any capitalization scheme;
    • Calculate the face value of bills and promissory notes in credit sales;
    • Determining the charges for discounting and reforming bills;
    • Carry out capital equivalence;
    • Determining the various types of financial income;
    • Develop loan amortization tables;
    • Analyze the execution/non-execution of an investment project.

    - Rui Neves

    Following the previous UC, it is intended to:

    1. Generalize the study of real variable functions to functions with more than one variable, developing methods of representation and visualization in three-dimensional space;
    2. Extend the theory of differential calculus in R to functions with more than one variable, with a view to optimizing these functions;
    3. Develop integration techniques in dimensions greater than 1, with special emphasis on the calculation of volumes, areas and the theorems of Stokes and Gauss, fundamental to the study of electromagnetism;
    4. Start studying Linear Algebra through matrices and the classic algorithm for solving systems of linear equations;
    Develop the abstract study of spaces and linear transformations, and study the application of Linear Algebra to solving systems of linear differential equations.

    - Ana Quaresma - Ana Barbosa

    • Obtain basic knowledge to interpret the company's economic reality;
    • Develop capacity to value the company's industrial production;
    • Develop business decision-making capacity;
    • Understand the criteria and normative methods of management accounting;
    • Deeply understand the company's cost structure;
    • Being able to formulate CVR analyzes for business decision making.

    • Provide essential elements for a reflection on economic and social history;
    • Increase habits of scientific reading, reflection and problematization;
    • Provide bibliography to guide the student in the preparation of his study;
    • Stimulate creativity and critical thinking;
    • Analyse, understand and reflect on the concepts used in social and economic history;
    • Understand and characterize the dynamic evolution of society;
    • Produce critical reflections on historical evolution, in the economic and social aspects;
    • Investigate, interpret and comment on major socio-economic issues;
    • Develop skills to consolidate historical-political knowledge.

    Statistics I
    6 ECTS

    - Antonio Garção Cabeças - Cristina Nunes

    • Use and interpret data;
    • Understand the concept of sampling;
    • Learn to apply descriptive statistics techniques on engineering, economics and management problems and interpret results;
    • Relate theoretical and practical concepts;
    • Carry out a critical analysis of the results.

    - Eduardo Cardadeiro - Joao Falcão Silva

    Following on from Microeconomics I, this UC aims to deepen knowledge of microeconomics, introducing new topics typical of an intermediate microeconomics course, using the analytical framework presented in that discipline, but also confronting classical models with the most recent developments in behavioral economics. and experimental.
    Thus, the objective is to acquire knowledge, at an intermediate level, of the main models for analyzing the behavior of economic agents and the functioning of markets, as well as developing the ability to use them as tools for analyzing real situations, while simultaneously stimulating their critical sense of their assumptions in order to be able to draw from them the fundamental teachings and concepts that are more suited to the reality under study.
    It also seeks to ensure the acquisition of the basic knowledge necessary for other curricular units of the subsequent semesters, namely Industrial Economics and Economic Policy.

    Statistics II
    6 ECTS

    - Cristina Nunes - Antonio Garção Cabeças

    • Consolidate and generalize the knowledge acquired in Statistics I;
    • Working with variables and multidimensional models;
    • Interpret results and apply your knowledge to practical cases in your area of work.

    • Understand the elaboration of management accounting in a theoretical costing system;
    • Prepare a company's annual budget using the homogeneous sections method;
    • Understand the fundamental aspects of evaluating the financial performance of companies.

    - Sandra Ribeiro - Joao Falcão Silva

    • Vision on the functioning of the interdependence of national economies, the functioning of open markets and the effect of macroeconomic policies on this functioning;
    • Approaches to the various explanations that justify international trade and the Mundell-Fleming model will be used as a basis for work that explains the need for internal and external balance;
    • Theoretical and empirical framework for the functioning of a currency area – Portugal's integration into the Economic and Monetary Union.

    - Eduardo Cardadeiro - Inacia Pacheco Pereira

    • Study Macroeconomics at an intermediate level;
    • Use concrete examples from the Portuguese and European economies;
    • Enable students to read and criticize the specialized economic press;
    • I Introduce advanced macroeconomics issues.

    • Mastery of the subjects taught;
    • Ability to write texts;
    • Mastery of oral expression (oral exposition, interventions in contact sessions);
    • Ability to solve problems (tests, and solving practical cases in contact sessions);
    • Use of technological resources and research capacity (consultations on the Internet, Library, and other places).

    - Antonio Duarte Santos - Inacia Pacheco Pereira

    • Support and review of theoretical knowledge about GDP;
    • Practical applications of the use and importance of economic growth;
    • Inequality in the world, income redistribution and equity;
    • Application of GDP (growth models and exercises);
    • Knowledge of Portuguese and world economic cycles since the second decade of the 20th century and business cycles.
    • Understanding the evolution of the Portuguese and world economy;
    • Portugal and the European Union: Ideas, Facts and Challenges;
    • Case Studies of economies from different continents and regions;
    • Apprehension of the sectoral analysis of the Portuguese economy and its trajectory;
    • Future Challenges: Demography, Labor Market, Inequalities, Health, Income Distribution and Technological Evolution in a (new) growing phase of globalization;
    • Organization of Conferences with external and internal guests on multiple economic and human topics.

    Finance I
    6 ECTS

    - Victor Oliveira - Ana Quaresma

    • Allow students to understand the role of the financial system and markets in the economy, as well as its structure and main functions, the way it is organized and how it works; it is intended, in particular, that students get to know the process of issuing and trading securities in the markets;
    • Provide the main concepts, models, techniques and other analytical tools that guide the valuation of financial assets and the decision-making process for the allocation of investors' resources, addressing, in particular, the fundamentals of the theory and structure of interest rates, the capital market theory, the risk-return binomial and the main financial asset valuation models.

    6 ECTS

    - Sandra Ribeiro - Joao Falcão Silva

    • Knowledge and understanding of the most relevant introductory techniques, namely estimation by least squares and respective inference in linear regression;
    • Ability to estimate nonlinear models;
    • Testing the hypotheses underlying the linear regression model;
    • Ability to mobilize statistical sources and empirical methods and apply relevant statistical and econometric techniques in the analysis of phenomena, problems and economic policies for sectional data;
    • Ability to work in groups and elaborate theoretically, logically and factually based arguments and to communicate them to others.

    - Carlos Freire - Marcos Ferasso

    • Develop skills to think strategically;
    • Develop skills to carry out strategic analysis in different sectors;
    • Develop capacities to collect, select and interpret the information needed for strategic analysis;
    • Develop capacities associated with the formulation and execution of the strategy;
    • Integrate knowledge acquired in other curricular units;
    • Develop analysis and decision-making skills;
    • Make students aware of the importance of ethical principles in management;
    • Ability to understand and analyze case studies in broader contexts and the resolution of complex or research problems;
    • Ability to carry out an apprenticeship that allows them to continue their study autonomously within the scope of business analysis.

    - Brígida Brito

    • Acquire adequate conceptual and historical references on international cooperation;
    • Know the most relevant theoretical approaches to cooperation for development;
    • Identify the actors and instruments of international cooperation for development;
    • Develop self-learning techniques.

    The skills to be acquired by the student are:

    • The critical ability to identify, select and interpret sources of information and development indicators;
    • The ability to recognize privileged actors in terms of cooperation models;
    • The ability to adapt instruments of international cooperation to concrete development needs.

    • Promotion of student work in order to obtain, deepen and integrate basic knowledge about the role of informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations;
    • Development of skills to interpret the value of Organizational Information Systems (OIS) in order to contribute decisively to the formulation, implementation and strategic control;
    • Enable future managers to develop skills in the use of methods and techniques that ensure the validity, coherence and rationalization of technological and human resources with regard to the computerization of SIO.

    - Paulo Ventura - Marcos Ferasso


    • Acquire the necessary skills for critical analysis and understanding of people's behavior in organizations in which they develop their professional activity, highlighting their role in building this reality.


    • Distinguish different attitudes of employees in an organizational context;
    • Design effective organizations, promoting favorable attitudes of their members;
    • Define the relationship of people with the organizations in which they work as relationships of social exchange;
    • Select different attributes and behaviors of leaders according to the characteristics of the context;
    • Discover different characteristics of the organization and people that affect the functioning of work teams and, consequently, their performance;
    • Demonstrate results of adopting teams in an organizational context;
    • To analyze organizational behavior in Portuguese companies.

    - Henrique Morais - Sandra Ribeiro

    • Identify the ways of financing the economy;
    • Understand the role of financial institutions and the regulation of the financial system;
    • Describe the banking system in Portugal;
    • Understand credit and market risks;
    • Identify the financial instruments;
    • Understand the mechanism for creating a monetary base by central banks;
    • Identify the central bank's balance sheet;
    • Determine the monetary aggregates and the monetary multiplier;
    • Understand the balance of payments and external debt;
    • Identify foreign exchange market and foreign exchange operations;
    • Describe the international monetary system and the European economic and monetary union;
    • Identify crises and new trends in the international financial system.

    Finance II
    6 ECTS

    - Inês Cabral - Victor Oliveira

    • Promote understanding of the main conceptual foundations and strategic and structural issues associated with decision-making in the context of corporate finance, as well as the respective implications in terms of value creation;
    • Address the role of financial information, both internally for making financial decisions, and externally for the preparation of decisions on the allocation of investors' resources;
    • To promote knowledge of the importance of financial diagnosis as a tool for interpreting the information contained in the financial statements;
    • Raise awareness of the importance of medium and long-term financial planning, with a special focus on models, techniques and analytical tools that allow projecting the company's activity, modeling its objectives, options and investment and financing strategies;
    • In the field of investment decisions, promote the understanding of issues associated with the estimation of relevant financial flows, the discount rate, and the main models for evaluating investment decisions in real assets.

    - Inacia Pacheco Pereira - Joao Vasco Gama

    • Convey basic knowledge for positive and normative interpretation of public sector activity;
    • Develop capacity to interpret the micro and macro policy of governments;
    • Develop critical capacity and evaluation of the State's economic policy;
    • Understand constitution and handling of the state budget.

    • Create and disseminate good practices in terms of fostering the entrepreneurial spirit (including corporate entrepreneurship), which help to build or consolidate more sustainable and effective companies and other organizations;
    • Know the concepts of entrepreneur, entrepreneurial spirit and related concepts;
    • Know how to analyze markets and opportunities;
    • Develop a taste for entrepreneurship;
    • Improve students' abilities with regard to the process of detecting and analyzing business opportunities;
    • Know the criteria used by investors to evaluate investment proposals in new businesses;
    • Know the advantages associated with the protection of industrial property;
    • Improve understanding of the role of human and operational resources in the early stages of business implementation;
    • Develop a Business Plan.


    Elaboration and analysis of business projects with the ability to integrate numerous scientific and technical domains, of the most varied specialties, requiring a multidisciplinary knowledge acquired during the degree: marketing; strategy; accounting; finance, law, economics, people resources, etc.
    Development of a business project in which students should be able to:

    • Identify the different phases of project development;
    • Project evaluation and decision;
    • Project feasibility studies;
    • Elaboration of a project;
    • Economic and financial analysis of the project.

    - Daniela Monteiro - José Brito Almas


    • This UC aims to provide students with a set of knowledge that allows them to face the tax specificities applicable in the scope of management and economics, both in relation to natural persons and in relation to legal persons;
    • With regard to individuals, the IRS rules are mainly analyzed, giving greater emphasis to the characterization of income and the obligations of the entities paying the income, with particular emphasis on corporate income and also VAT;
    • Taxpayers' guarantees are also addressed.


    • Provide the basis for understanding taxation and, in particular, the Portuguese tax system;
    • Classify income and taxable persons in terms of IRS and identify the main and ancillary obligations within the scope of this tax, in particular those required of companies.

    • On the one hand, to know the basic concepts and fundamentals of Marketing and on the other hand, it is intended that students are deeply familiarized with the strategic development of Marketing Actions;
    • Students should develop a strategic marketing plan in collaboration with renowned companies, so that the practical component is actually carried out on the ground and in the real reality of companies;
    • Acquire a theoretical body of reference necessary for the study of other specific disciplines in the area of communication.


    Inacia Pacheco Pereira

    Joao Falcão Silva

    Joao Vasco Gama

    Pedro Pires Ribeiro