Fernando Jorge Cardoso

- Composition of the Scientific Council - Department of International Relations - Doctorate in International Relations: Gepolitics and Geoeconomics - Degree in International Relations - Master in International Relations


Invited Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. He has been a researcher at OBSERVARE at UAL since October 2021 and at the Center for International Studies at ISCTE-IUL since its formation. He coordinates the area of Strategic and Development Studies at Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr since September 2012. He is co-founder and executive director of Clube de Lisboa since April 2017.

Graduated in economics (1976) from the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) of Mozambique and a PhD in economics (1991) with aggregation (2006) from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon. He has more than a hundred publications in scientific journals, books and book and journal chapters on development, African issues, and international relations. In Mozambique he was director of the Faculty of Economics at Eduardo Mondlane University (1978-1983), advisor to the Minister of Planning (1977-1983) and general director of the sugar company Maragra (1983-1985).

In Portugal, he carried out research, training and management functions in several universities (1991-2021) and was coordinator of the Africa Program of the IEEI – Institute for Strategic and International Studies (1991-2012). He was President of Steering Committee of Europe-Africa Policy Research Network (2007-2014). As a consultant, he prepared and evaluated several cooperation programs in Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde and in the PALOP Group, for Portuguese and European entities.

The focus of study in recent years has been on geoeconomics and geopolitics, with particular emphasis on Africa. He is an occasional commentator on African and international topics on television, radio and print media.