Rui Neves

- Department of Economic and Business Sciences - Degree in Economics - Degree in Management

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He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sciences and Technologies at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and Researcher at the Autonoma TechLab – Center for Research in Technologies and at the Education and Development Research Unit (UIED) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT). /UNL).

He holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Physics from the University of Lisbon, and a PhD in Physics, with a specialization in High Energy Physics and Gravitation, from the University of Durham, UK.

After his PhD, between 1997 and 2007, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and as an Assistant Professor, mainly at the University of Algarve, at the Multidisciplinary Center for Astrophysics of Instituto Superior Técnico (CENTRA/IST) and at the Center for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Telecommunications (CEOT).

Between 2008 and 2015, he worked as an Assistant Researcher at the UIED and at FCT/UNL, and as a Visiting Professor at Centro Universitário Univates, in Brazil.

Rui Neves carried out scientific research work in Physics of High Energy and Gravitation, Biomedical Physics, Geophysics and Educational Sciences, with several relevant results that can be found in several articles published in international scientific journals and books. Currently, his research interests involve:

  • In Educational Sciences, theory and curriculum development, teacher training, modeling, and computational methods and technologies to improve physics and mathematics learning in different courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, in higher education and in teaching secondary;
  • In High Energy Physics and Gravitation, superstring theory, multidimensional universes with membranes, non-perturbing quantum field theory, and implications for cosmology, elementary particle phenomenology, astrophysics and condensed matter physics;
  • In Biomedical Physics, theory of photon propagation in turbid and biological media, and implications for the development of analytical and numerical methods for imaging and phototherapy;
  • In Physics, Mathematics and Technology, communication and quantum computing, and development of electronic devices, optoelectronics and information and computing technologies, eg, solar cells, superconductors and quantum computers.