The Pedagogical Council of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa is the pedagogical coordination and supervision body and educational guidance of the same.
Constitution of the Pedagogical Council
- The Pedagogical Council is made up of representatives of the faculty and students, in parity, with a maximum of 44 elements, elected by the faculty and students.
- Each course (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles) is represented by a teacher, elected by their peers, and by a student, elected from among the class delegates of that course.
- Pedagogical Council is chaired by a professor elected by its members.
- The mandate of the teachers of the Pedagogical Council is three years.
- The term of office for students is one year and ends at the beginning of each academic year.
Competence of the Pedagogical Council
- Develop and approve its bylaws;
- Opinion on pedagogical guidelines and teaching and assessment methods;
- Promoting regular surveys of the pedagogical performance of the organic units or the institution and their analysis and dissemination;
- To promote the evaluation of the pedagogical performance of the teachers, by them and by the students, and the analysis and its dissemination;
- Appreciate complaints regarding pedagogical failures, and propose the necessary measures;
- Approve the student achievement assessment regulation;
- Opinion on the prescription regime;
- Opinion on the creation of study cycles and on the plans of the study cycles offered;
- Opinion about the institution of school awards;
- Opinion on the academic calendar and exam maps of the institution;
- Exercise the other powers conferred on it by law or by statutes.
Pedagogical Council meetings
- The Pedagogical Council has an ordinary meeting every six months during the academic year and extraordinary meetings considered convenient by its president or by at least eight of its members;
- Minutes are drawn up of each meeting by the member of the Board appointed for that purpose, which, after being approved, are signed by the chairman and whoever draws them up.