Degree in Germanic Philology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (FL/UL).
Degree in History from Universidade Livre / Lisbon.
Master in Paleography and Diplomatics from FL/UL – Department of History. In the final exam, he defends the dissertation Tombo (O) from Hospital e Gafaria do Santo Espírito (Sintra): functionality and intentionality.
Diploma of Higher Studies («Suficiencia Investigadora») in Ancient and Medieval History from the U. Salamanca, within the scope of the Doctoral Course «Methodological Foundations of Historical-Archaeological Research» given, in double degree, by the aforementioned University and by UAL.
PhD in Medieval History at the University of Salamanca, after public defense of the thesis Anthroponymy and society. The Portuguese Middle Tagus in the early 16th century (the Torres Novas region), 2 volumes, Salamanca, 2014
Member of the Center for Historical Studies (CEH) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), of the Portuguese Society for Medieval Studies (SPEM) and of the Center for Research in Historical Sciences (CICH), of UAL.