International Relations

Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 39 – February 25, 2021. Announcement No. 31/2021


fact sheet

The present has brought us evidence: political, economic and social processes are increasingly internationalized. One cannot, therefore, be surprised by the growing importance of international relations studies, studies that have established themselves as a scientific area of their own in the context of university education.

The Master in International Relations (MRI) is composed of 4 semesters (120 ECTS) where it is intended to develop the knowledge and skills of understanding and autonomous analysis of complex globalized interactions. To this end, the master:

  1. It articulates the central theme of International Politics (International Relations) with the disciplines of Law and Economics;
  2. It is structured with two areas of specialization, a specialization in Contemporary International Politics and a specialization in Security, Peace and War Studies;
  3. It has a strong component of epistemology, research methods and techniques.


The curricular structure in the 1st semester is common to both specializations, focusing on a set of theoretical references of the discipline, originating in the scientific areas of International Relations, Law and Economics, and on the acquisition of scientific research skills.

The specializations in the Master in International Relations take place in the 2nd semester.

  1. Specialization in Contemporary International Politics

This specialization deepens the analysis of international relations in terms of the characteristics of its agency (state, multilateral organizations and non-state actors) and regional specificities.

  1. Specialization in Security, Peace and War Studies

In this specialization, the link between security, strategic reflection and the promotion of peace is made.

In the second semester, competences are also developed to carry out scientific research in an autonomous way, including with regard to the preparation of the research project for the dissertation.

Thus, the Master in International Relations is structured with five theoretical-practical curricular units common to both specializations in the first semester and five theoretical-practical curricular units specific to each specialization in the second semester.

In the third and fourth semesters, research for the dissertation is carried out. This research project may be articulated with the research lines of the OBSERVARE research center, UAL's International Relations research unit.



This course is aimed at diplomats, international officials, journalists, specialists in International Relations, even recent graduates, as well as military and security forces.


Tuition Waiver Scholarships for Undergraduate Students at UAL:

Offer of 4 tuition-free scholarships to be awarded to candidates for the Master's in International Relations in any of the specializations (first criterion: students who have completed a degree at Autónoma).



Classes normally run from October to February (1st Semester) and from March to June/July (2nd Semester). Classes normally take place on three days a week, with at least two consecutive days of classes, between 6:30 pm and 10:30 pm.


The Master in International Relations has existed since 2013 and was restructured to its present format in 2021, integrating the main curricular units of the Master in Peace and War Studies in New International Relations. The Master in Peace and War Studies in New International Relations has existed since 2003 and was discontinued in 2021. The restructuring of the Master in International Relations is constituted by the announcement nº 31/2021 – 2nd series – Nº 39 – 25 February of the Diário of the Republic. The Master is accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (ACEF/1819/1200151).


    - Daniel Cardoso

    • Provide students with theoretical and methodological tools that allow them to investigate, analyze, interpret and even reflect on the international/global reality in a scientific way.
    • Identify, select and evaluate sources of documentary and bibliographic information from authors of International Relations.
    • Deepen the knowledge of ideas, central concepts and interpretations of the main theories in IR.
    • Understand the emergence of IR theories in their historical context.
    • Acquire the ability to produce and communicate in writing and orally a scientific work.

    - Mateus Kowalski - Patricia Galvão Teles

    • Deepen knowledge about current trends in International Law;
    • Develop the ability to critically reflect on the matter, as well as acquire specific research methodologies in the context of an international legal approach;
    • To be able to apply the acquired knowledge in a multidisciplinary research perspective, involving International Relations and Public International Law;
    • Apply the knowledge acquired to concrete contemporary issues

    - Carlos Gaspar - Luís Tome

    • Acquire the theoretical and methodological framework suitable for the analysis of international issues from a geopolitical perspective;
    • Develop an attitude of critical reflection on the main geopolitical dynamics that affect the international agenda and certain regions;
    • Understand the metamorphoses of the world power structure, the framework of interactions and the political options and strategies of the main actors today;
    • Understand changes in international security and ability to reflect on the strategic environment and main geopolitical challenges.

    - Henrique Morais - José Félix Ribeiro

    • Understand the current situation of major economies, their growth patterns and the challenges they face;
    • Identify the rotational movements of the engine of world economic growth towards the east and emerging economies;
    • Describe the rise of Western Hemisphere and East Asian economies;
    • Recognize the challenges facing the Euro Area;
    • Identify the structural problems of the North American economy.

    - Brígida Brito

    • Knowledge and competence in the main research methodologies;
    • Understanding of the scientific method and research perspective;
    • Ability to search, read and organize scientific information;
    • Ability to communicate scientific knowledge in writing and orally.

    - Brígida Brito - Nancy Gomes

    • Familiarize Master's students with concepts, central problems and fundamental practices inherent to the research process in Social Sciences;
    • Provide an understanding of the scientific procedure and the fundamental dimensions of the research process in International Relations;
    • To promote the development of an ethical and critical conscience around the activities of investigation and production of scientific knowledge, bearing in mind the defined objectives and the field of study;
    • To enable the Master's student to develop research practices based on the formulation of a problem, on rational and logically elaborated arguments, on research, systematization and organization of information;
    • Provide the student with instruments oriented towards structured, clear and consistent written and oral communication of the objectives, methods, results and sources used.

    - Daniel Cardoso

    • Study the origin and development of globalization;
    • Identify theoretical contributions to the study of governance and multilateralism;
    • Analyze the role of States, International Organizations and other transnational actors (formal and informal) in the process of evolution of governance and multilateralism;
    • Identify the possibilities and main obstacles of global governance and multilateralism in a prospective scenario.

    - Filipe Vasconcelos Romao

    • Deepen knowledge about different theoretical perspectives related to foreign policy and its formulation and implementation processes;
    • Understand the ways and processes that international actors, states and non-state actors, adopt to formulate decisions and strategies in the relationship with other actors in the international community, including through the analysis of case studies;
    • To analyze, through case studies, the foreign policies of great powers and emerging countries, seeking to understand the impact of public opinion and the functioning of democratic and non-democratic political systems on foreign policy;
    • Develop the skills to communicate ideas and present arguments in a perspective of participation in the public debate;
    • Promote the acquisition of research skills on International Relations and the formulation and implementation of foreign policy.

    - Luísa Godinho

    • Know the main processes of a transnational nature that occur in contemporary societies, both in their theorization and in their practices;
    • Understand the current importance of interaction between societies and the sociological dimension of interdependencies, with emphasis on social movements;
    • Identify the cultural and informational flows that operate in a world without borders;
    • Understand the impacts arising from the movements of people internationally;
    • Apprehend the current debates around multiculturalism;
    • Understand the ways in which public opinions and social dynamics act on political decision-making centers;
    • Critically reflect on new current issues, such as “global civil society” or “cosmopolitan democracy”.

    - Sonia Senica

    • Know and understand the regional dynamics of international politics, namely: the American Continent, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa and Eurasia;
    • Have an understanding of regional geopolitical dynamics and major regional powers;
    • Understand regional cultural specificities and their impact on international relations;
    • Reflect on Non-Western International Relations Theories, in terms of their validity, complementarity and competition.

    - Nancy Gomes - Brígida Brito

    • Familiarize Master's students with concepts, central problems and fundamental practices inherent to the research process in Social Sciences;
    • Provide an understanding of the scientific procedure and the fundamental dimensions of the research process in International Relations;
    • To promote the development of an ethical and critical conscience around the activities of investigation and production of scientific knowledge, bearing in mind the defined objectives and the field of study;
    • To enable the Master's student to develop research practices based on the formulation of a problem, on rational and logically elaborated arguments, on research, systematization and organization of information;
    • Provide the student with instruments oriented towards structured, clear and consistent written and oral communication of the objectives, methods, results and sources used.

    - Ana Isabel Xavier

    • Deepen the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for the knowledge and criticism of knowledge regarding essential issues in the field of Security and its evolution;
    • Identify, evaluate and select sources of documentary and bibliographic information related to the conceptual study of Security issues;
    • Develop techniques, perceptions and behaviors based on learning skills, as well as an attitude of attention and reflection on the multiple variables and dimensions of Safety.

    - Fernando Jorge Cardoso

    • Understand the causes and dynamics of armed conflicts based on case studies and different theoretical perspectives;
    • Recognize and understand the importance of international regimes and institutions in preventing war and building peace, in particular the pillars of the collective security system provided for in the UN Charter;
    • Understand, comparatively, the logics of conflict prevention, pacification, peace enforcement, peacekeeping and peacebuilding processes;
    • Develop skills to communicate ideas and present arguments in a perspective of participation in public debate;
    • To promote the acquisition of research skills on International Relations and international conflict management.

    - Luis Bernardino

    • Acquire the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for the knowledge and critique of knowledge regarding strategic thinking and its evolution;
    • Identify, evaluate and select sources of documentary and bibliographic information regarding the conceptual study of the Strategy;
    • Develop techniques, perceptions and behaviors based on learning skills, as well as an attitude of attention and reflection on the multiple variables and dimensions of strategic reasoning.

    - Mateus Kowalski - Patricia Galvão Teles

    • Acquire theoretical knowledge on the subject of the use of force, adopting a legal-international perspective;
    • Develop the ability to critically reflect on the matter, as well as acquire specific research methodologies in the context of an international legal approach;
    • Apply the knowledge acquired in a multidisciplinary research perspective, involving International Relations and Public International Law;
    • Apply the knowledge acquired to concrete contemporary issues.

    - Sandra Ribeiro - Pedro Pinto

    • Understand the current situation of major economies, their growth patterns and the challenges they face;
    • Identify the theoretical framework around the issue of resources and conflict, its causes and consequences;
    • Identify the ongoing debate regarding the relationship between violent conflicts and the allocation of resources by countries;
    • Recognize the role of international economic transformations in the occurrence of conflict;
    • Describe the problem of energy resources in the face of the occurrence of violent conflicts;
    • Describe the possible relationship between diamond resources and conflict.

    The second year of the Masters in International Relations, 3rd and 4th semesters, correspond to the development of the research project and its realization guided by a PhD professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

    If it is considered appropriate, there may be a supervisor external to the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and in these cases there must be a co-supervisor who is a teaching doctorate at UAL.

    The Master's student will be able to develop work on a topic within the lines of investigation of OBSERVARE – Observatory of Foreign Affairs of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and of the research area of the Master's dissertation supervisor.

    In the 3rd semester, the master student presents his/her research project, which is submitted for approval to the Scientific Committee of the Department of International Relations and the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

    After the approval of the project, the master's student carries out the investigation until the time of submission of the dissertation in the 4th semester, which is defended in public tests before a jury.

    The second year of the Masters in International Relations, 3rd and 4th semesters, correspond to the development of the research project and its realization guided by a PhD professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

    If it is considered appropriate, there may be a supervisor external to the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and in these cases there must be a co-supervisor who is a teaching doctorate at UAL.

    The Master's student will be able to develop work on a topic within the lines of investigation of OBSERVARE – Observatory of Foreign Affairs of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and of the research area of the Master's dissertation supervisor.

    In the 3rd semester, the master student presents his/her research project, which is submitted for approval to the Scientific Committee of the Department of International Relations and the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

    After the approval of the project, the master's student carries out the investigation until the time of submission of the dissertation in the 4th semester, which is defended in public tests before a jury.