Management Informatics

Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 190, of September 29, 2020, Announcement No. 238/2020.


One of the following sets:

  • – 04 Economy
  • – 16 Mathematics


  • – 07 Physics and Chemistry
  • – 16 Mathematics


  • – 16 Mathematics
  • – 18 Portuguese


A Degree in Management Informatics is a multifaceted professional, with a fundamental role of intermediation between the needs of business management and the Information Systems (IS) that support it.

Prepared to bridge the gap between Management and Information Technology, he is a natural candidate for the Information Systems Division, playing in this environment his central role as a link between the Company's Management and the technologists.

With a deep knowledge of IS Management and Project methodologies, the Graduate in Management Informatics has the right profile for the functions of Management Consulting and Audit, IS Development Project Management to support Management activities.

Its multifaceted culture puts it in a privileged position to be the engine of technological evolution of organizations, providing the perspectives and solutions suited to the aspirations of modernity of the organizations in which it will intervene.

It is the promoter and manager of Change in organizations par excellence.

DR Accredited by A3ES, on 11/25/2014.

Ministerial authorization order
  • Order No. 9957-AL/2007, of 18 April, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series – No. 103 – 29 May 2007. Registered under No. R/B-AD-552/2006.
  • Adaptation of the degree in Management Informatics offered by the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camões to the 1st cycle of studies leading to the degree in Management Informatics — Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March.


    - Inês de Almeida

    • Introduction to computers and programming: historical and technical part;
    • Imperative, Functional, Logical, Object-oriented, Parallel models. Programming languages. Notions of Algorithm and Program. Direct Imperative Programming. Algorithm. Flowcharts, Pseudocode and EXEL Algorithmic Language;
    • Assignment, selection and iteration;
    • Introduction to C Language: Structure, Vocabulary, Rules for writing programs in C, variables and functions.
    • Iterative algorithms; data structures: vectors and matrices;
    • C language: Libraries, data types; operators and expressions; instructions; I/O operations; Selection statements: if-statement, switch-statement; Repetition statements: while-statement, do-statement, for-statement; break statements: break-statement, continue-statement. Strings as character arrays); Functions; Type conversion; * and & operators; Structures; Array of structures. Text files; Binary files;
    • Recursive Programming.

    Mathematics I
    6 ECTS

    - Joana de Matos

    Provide students with basic training in Mathematical Analysis. Confer skills in terms of calculation techniques.
    Complete analysis of real variable real functions. Integral calculation. Study of successions and series.
    Mathematical Analysis has as main objective the acquisition, by students, of skills and competences in terms of calculation techniques. Particular emphasis is given to real analysis and the study of sequences and series.

    The following specific objectives are defined:

    • Master the study of real functions;
    • Know and apply integration methods and their application to real problems;
    • Study numerical sequences;
    • Know some types of numerical series.

    - Sandra Ribeiro

    • Introduce the student to the scope of Economics as a scientific discipline in order to understand how consumers and producers act;
    • That students get to understand the functioning of markets;
    • That students acquire the basic knowledge of microeconomics, so that they understand economics from the point of view of the economic agent;
    • Provide students with knowledge of the economic analysis of law.

    - Junior Laércio

    • Present and make understood the need for data modeling in the context of Information Systems and the development process with the design of databases;
    • Present generic concepts of relational database systems;
    • Describe the data modeling process (using the Entity-Relationship model and the relational model).

    - Vera Pedragosa

    • Evolution of management theory;
    • Management and the Environment;
    • Manage jobs and organizations;
    • Managing people in organizations. Leadership;
    • Manage marketing;
    • Manage the financial area of the company;
    • Manage production and operations;
    • Planning and management control;
    • Career planning and management;
    • Management for the 21st century.

    - Inês de Almeida

    • C#: Classes, Attributes, Methods and Constructors; Abstract Classes; Objects and their instantiation; Properties;
    • C#: Base Classes: Object, String, Collections. generics. Files and Streams. Text and binary files. Object Serialization;
    • Algorithms and data structures. Data and Algorithms. Complexity of Algorithms. Solving a Problem and choosing an Algorithm;
    • Sorting Algorithms and their analysis: “Bublle-sort”, “Selection-sort”, “Insertion-sort”, “Merge-sort” and “Quick-sort”; Implementation in C#;
    • lists. C#: Queue and Stack;
    • Sequential and Binary Search, algorithms and their analysis. Implementation in C#;
    • Maps and Scatter Tables (Dictionaries and Hash-tables). Classes in C#;
    • trees. BST trees. operations. Implementation in C#. AVL Trees.Operations Implementation in C#;
    • Graphs. Definitions. operations. Graph representation: adjacency matrix and adjacency list. Algorithms: Depth-first search, Breadth-first search, Minimum spanning tree, Shorted path. C#: Implementation in C#.

    - Raúl Dionisio - José Aleixo

    • Basics of information encoding: Numbering systems, base conversion; arithmetic in bases 2, 8 and 16; Representation of negative integers in 2's complement; Numerical and alphanumeric codes;
    • Basic computer hardware circuits: Combinatorial circuits: arithmetic circuits, third-state gates, ROM (Read-Only Memory); Sequential circuits: registers and RAM (Random Access Memory);
    • Computers, microprocessors and assembly programming: Harvard and Von Neumann architectures; Central Processing Unit; internal structure; Instruction set; CISC (Complete Instruction Set Computer) and RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) microprocessors; Search-Execution Cycle; Addressing modes; procedural programming structures; procedural programming structures: Subroutines. The stack pointer; Interrupts and DMA (Direct Memory Access); organization of memory and peripherals in a computer.

    - Joaquín Quirós - Pedro Pires Lima

    • Develop knowledge and create skills in the field of Economic and Business Calculation;
    • Know how to calculate interest in different capitalization schemes;
    • Know how to calculate capital equivalents, rents and loan charges;
    • Know how to calculate and interpret business profitability indicators.

    - Joana de Matos

    • Generalize the study of real variable functions to functions with more than one variable, developing methods of representation and visualization in three-dimensional space;
    • Extend the theory of differential calculus in R to functions with more than one variable, with a view to optimizing these functions;
    • Develop integration techniques in dimensions greater than 1, with special emphasis on the calculation of volumes, areas and the theorems of Stokes and Gauss, fundamental to the study of electromagnetism;
    • Start studying Linear Algebra through matrices and the classic algorithm for solving systems of linear equations;
    • Develop the abstract study of spaces and linear transformations, and study the application of Linear Algebra to solving systems of linear differential equations.

    - Ana Margarida Alpendre Barbosa - Cristina Nunes


    • Acquire the fundamental knowledge of accounting science and its application in the preparation of individual financial statements of economic entities.


    • Understand the objectives of Financial Accounting;
    • Know the conceptual framework that must underlie the preparation of financial information;
    • Know the instruments of national accounting standardization;
    • Understand the importance of the characteristics of financial information;
    • Understand the accounting cycle and its relationship with the maps that make up the financial statements;
    • Mastering the accounting of operations and current transactions;
    • Know the applicable legal requirements from the preparation to the disclosure of the entities' annual accounts.

    - Ana Barbosa - Cristina Nunes

    • Know how to analyze the cycle of operations, from the perspective of the systemic approach;
    • Know how to relate organization, process management and technologies;
    • Know how to plan the logistics of operations;
    • Know how to use innovation as a management model.

    - Adrian gave

    • Definition of Systems Analysis and its various categories;
    • Describe the different structures and types of transactions, models, as well as their benefits for organizations, consumers and society and their limitations.

    - Antonio Alfredo Mendes - Carlos Carranho Proença

    • Knowledge of economic and social organization;
    • Study of the legal order of the economy;
    • Relevance of the community economic order;
    • Relevance of the constitutional economic order;
    • Analysis of the constitutive acquis of Economic Law;
    • Acquisition of knowledge at the level of the economic system and regime;
    • Study of economic rights and duties at community and constitutional level;
    • Mastery of the CRP at the level of economic organization;
    • In-depth study of market law: competition, consumers and advertising;
    • Study of various models of economic contracts.

    - Adrian gave - Marco Costa

    • Object-oriented programming: Concept of Classes, encapsulation, visibility of attributes and methods: modifiers and rules;
    • Structure of a Class: attributes, constructors, methods (of the instance – non-static and of the class – static);
    • Creation of packages and use of Java packages;
      – The concept of overload of constructors and methods and what are their advantages;
    • Single and multiple inheritance: structure of an interface and advantages of use;
    • The concept of override and super instruction;
    • Polymorphism;
    • Java's instructions for handling recoverable errors: try, catch, finally, throw and throws;
    • File manipulation libraries. Need for Serializable interface;
    • Java and databases: JDBC;
    • Graphic environment creation libraries (GUI): Swing;
    • Class diagram in UML.

    - Mario Marques Silva - José Aleixo

    Provide a coherent overview of available network architectures. Under these conditions, basic concepts about the transmission and communication of information are introduced, described as reference models such as OSI and TCP/IP. The analyzed architectures will be illustrated with the presentation of Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI technologies and practical examples of building local and wide networks.

    6 ECTS

    - Lucian Radu - Cristina Nunes

    The curricular unit of Statistics, integrated in the scientific area of Mathematics, has as main objective the acquisition, by the students, of abilities and competences that allow them to solve basic problems in the registration, analysis, representation and interpretation of statistical data, as well as to use the theory general probability as a tool for measuring statistical inference in predicting decision-making models.

    - Gonçalo Valadao

    • Introduction: Architecture of a computer system; Objective Operating Systems; System classification; SO's structure;
    • Process management: Processes; Threads; CPU scaling; Communication between processes (IPCs);
      Synchronization between processes;
    • File systems and Input/Output;
    • Memory management: Main memory: paging, segmentation; Virtual memory.

    Economic Law
    6 ECTS

    - Antonio Alfredo Mendes - Carlos Carranho Proença

    • Economic order, legal order and legal order of the economy;
    • EU economic objectives – outline; economic freedoms;
    • Economic rights and duties in the CRP;
    • Concepts of economic agent, economic initiative and private property;
    • Constitutional principles of economic organization;
    • State intervention in the economy: direct and indirect intervention;
    • The concept of economic regulation;
    • The sectors of ownership of the means of production;
    • Economic policies (agricultural, commercial and industrial);
    • The defense of competition;
    • Consumer protection;
    • The rules on advertising;
    • Economic contracts;
    • The regulation of the financial sector;
    • The regulation of the energy sector;
    • The regulation of telecommunications.

    - Isabel Alvarez

    • The context of Software Engineering;
    • Problems in the development of Information Systems;
    • Concepts related to the discipline of Software Engineering;
    • Overview of Information Systems Development Process models;
    • Main activities of Information Systems development processes;
    • Agile methodologies;
    • Examples of Processes and methodologies: Rational Unified Process, Iconix, XP, Scrum;
    • Concepts related to Requirements Engineering;
    • Phases and Techniques of Requirements Engineering;
    • Requirements Specification Techniques;
    • Information Systems Modeling;
    • Modeling Language in UML.

    - Héctor Ascama

    • Acquire the methods and concepts that lead to an effective and efficient management of heterogeneous distributed systems;
    • Deepen knowledge acquired in the area of systems and networks;
    • Manipulate systems and network management tools from a monitoring and alarming point of view;
    • Provide students with adequate knowledge for the elaboration of implementation plans and monitoring of a network of systems;
    • Introduce students to good governance practices (standards);
    • Understand and develop skills in the management of information systems and networks.

    - Antonio Garção Cabeças - Martins

    • Understanding the role of Projects and Project Management in organizations;
    • Familiarization with the main tools and techniques used in Project Management;
    • Learning the Project Management standard based on the PMBOK Guide;
    • Learning of Project Process Groups;
    • Learning the Key Knowledge Areas of Project Management;
    • Learning of Knowledge Areas to Support Project Management;
    • Learning of Planning techniques, definition of the scope of Projects and cost estimation;
    • Familiarization with Earned Value Management;
    • Use of MS Project in the different components of a project, phases, activities, tasks, sub-tasks, milestones, restrictions and calendars.

    - Sergio Ferreira

    The course analyzes the most known algorithms and their applications to problem solving.

    The main focus is on rationalization with knowledge through representations of Propositional and 1st order logics, use of structured methods for automated decision making, with probabilistic models and resulting inferences.

    Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired skills in the following areas:

    • Identification of the various types of intelligent agents;
    • Knowledge of the main algorithms used in research;
    • Most popular knowledge representation methods;
    • Decision making in situations of uncertainty;
    • Learning from experience.

    - Fernando Jorge Ribeiro Correia

    • Promote the integrated acquisition of basic knowledge of concepts and security mechanisms in Computer Systems and Information Systems, providing an analytical and strategic understanding of their security issues;
    • Study vulnerabilities of information systems connected by computer networks and the possibility of security solutions.

    - Martins

    • Introduction to the theory of taxes and tax systems;
    • The Portuguese tax system: general characterization;
    • The tax constitution: constitutional principles and norms that govern the tax system;
    • Overview of taxes on income, consumption and wealth;
    • Taxpayers' rights and duties;
    • Benefits, guarantees and penalties: General Tax Law, Non-customs tax infractions and tax benefits statutes.

    5 ECTS

    - Cristina Nunes

    • To promote the in-depth and integrated acquisition of basic knowledge about a set of concepts and management tools that are essential for the functioning of the financial area;
    • Achieve a high level of understanding about the practice of methods and techniques that enable the understanding of the financial relationships of organizations with other economic agents.

    - Mario Marques Silva - Junior Laércio - Héctor Ascama - Adrian gave

    • Review and clarify concepts related to the elaboration of Projects, research and bibliographic reference;
    • Promote the application of materials learned in the course and encourage the study of new technologies for practical application in the implementation of a Project;
    • Collaborations with Companies and other Organizations are encouraged, in particular, with non-profit ends (cultural, sports or social support associations) that result in the development of applications that use information technologies, favoring new technologies and innovative solutions, which are an added value for these Organizations and real Project experience acquired by students;
    • In Theoretical-Practical projects, it is intended that the student acquires new skills in the knowledge or deepening of topics within the scope of their courses, favoring the presentation of "case-studies" and necessarily presenting a practical implementation in the studied domain.