Two of the following tests:
- 06-Philosophy
- 11-History
- 18-Portuguese
The Law Department is a cornerstone of UAL's educational project, having been able to provide itself, over more than two decades of existence, with high standards of scientific quality, with a staff of academically qualified professors with wide and diversified experiences. professionals. The Department of Law is deeply committed to its own cultural and scientific enrichment and that of those who wish to make use of it.
Quickly adapted to the Bologna process, with a view to its better insertion in the world of work and in the European space, the Department of Law structured its courses, according to that format and similarly to other national and foreign schools, in three cycles of studies.
The first cycle, corresponding to the degree, comprises 240 ECTS and takes place over four years. The main objective of the Law Degree at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa is to provide students with a solid legal education in all areas of law that interfere with the main values of life in society, guided by quality criteria and scientific rigor, which prepare them for the professional exercise of legal activities.
However, the law is increasingly vast, varied and complex and the knowledge acquired in the degree calls for deepening and specialization, especially when facing more demanding professions, due to the responsibilities they involve, the risks they incur, the power they exercise , so the 1st cycle must be completed by a 2nd cycle of studies – the Master.
Fully aware of this need, the Department of Law created a second cycle, with specialized master's courses in four scientific areas (Legal Sciences, Legal-Political Sciences; Legal-Criminal Sciences; Legal-Procedural Sciences). Each course consists of 120 ECTS and takes place over 2 years.
The third cycle, of 180 ECTS, corresponds to the Doctoral Course in Law in three specialties (Legal Sciences; Legal-Political Sciences and Legal-Procedural Sciences). The Doctoral Course lasts for six semesters, the first two being academic, the third for the preparation of the thesis project and the rest for the preparation of the thesis.
Introduction to Law I
Equip students with the basics of law and enable them to have a critical, practical and realistic understanding of the legal field. Equip them with the following knowledge elements: Locate and collect relevant information in legal texts, namely in legislation, and interpret and present this material; establish the necessary relationship between the legal problem and the acquired knowledge. Contribute to a sensitivity and a legal purpose.
Political economy
The primary objectives are:
- Introduce the student to the scope of Economics as a scientific discipline in order to understand how consumers and producers act.
- That students get to understand how markets work.
- That students acquire the basic knowledge of micro and macroeconomics, so that they understand the economy as a whole.
- Provide students with knowledge of the economic analysis of law.
Constitutional Law Theory
Know the fundamental aspects of the political system and the fundamental rights of citizens through Constitutional Law.
Resolving issues involving the application of Constitutional Law
Develop a global understanding of the Political Community and Political Power and its actors through the concurrence of other social and human sciences.
Sociology of Law
- Distinguish the various perspectives of law analysis: the internal and external readings of law and their connections
- Understanding the relationship between law and society (law in society; society in law)
- To know the main theoretical and empirical contributions of sociologists and jurists to the Sociology of Law and, in particular, the classics of the discipline
- Have information about the main methodologies of the discipline
- To analyze current issues in the Sociology of Law, in order to acquire knowledge about the ongoing transformations in the production and application of law
- Know some empirical studies carried out in Portugal
History of Law
- Provide students with knowledge of the History of Law and Legal Institutions of Portuguese Law, essential for a better understanding of the various subjects of the Law Course, with special relevance to the exercise of legal and research professions;
- Deepen technical-legal knowledge transversal to the different branches of Law with the aim of developing research and comparative analysis capacities of the main legal institutes;
- Develop scientific investigation and critical analysis techniques within the scope of the Science of Law.
Introduction to Law II
- In general, provide students with the acquisition of basic legal notions, which allow them to understand what Law is, where it derives from, how it manifests itself and how it provides the solution of specific cases;
- In particular, provide students with specific knowledge about the interpretation and integration of gaps in the law and the application of laws in time and space.
Comparative law
- Comparative Law (Droit Comparé or Comparative Law) or Comparison of Rights (Rechtsvergleichung) is a branch of Legal Science, whose object is the Law in its plurality and diversity of cultural expressions, studying them comparatively, identifying the origin or factors of these similarities and differences.
To know the fundamental aspects of the Portuguese political-constitutional system: fundamental principles, organization of political power and guarantee of the Constitution.
Solve questions concerning the application of Portuguese Constitutional Law.
Public finances
Provide a global and integrated view of Public Finance and Financial Law, covering the European Union, the State, the Autonomous Regions and local authorities, as well as the respective business sectors.
In addition to the necessary theoretical framework, an attempt will be made to analyze the current financial situation, its causes and consequences, without forgetting the main aspects of international life in this domain.
Public International Law I
The general objective is to understand the importance of Public International Law and its current relevance in the Legal Order and in international relations, namely with regard to the oceanic space. To this end, students must know the main international texts, namely the Charter of the United Nations, the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Statute of the Council of Europe, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and the Convention on United Nations on the Law of the Sea.
- The General Theory of Civil Law I aims to “familiarize” students with the fundamental concepts and principles of Civil Law, in general, and with the legal relationship, in particular.
- In this discipline, instruments and legal frameworks common to most legal-civil relations considered indispensable for the further study of other disciplines of Portuguese Civil Law are taught. Particular relevance is given to the subject and object of the legal relationship.
Administrative Law I
Provide knowledge of the organization, functioning and activity of the Public Administration and the respective legal system.
In addition to the theoretical, basic component, practical cases are analyzed and works on administrative jurisprudence are presented and discussed. It is intended that students investigate by themselves or in a group.
Criminal Law I
- Acquire, in a systematic and pluri-normative perspective, the main concepts of Criminal Law.
- Perception of the historical evolution of Criminal Law, in terms of major schools of thought and sociological development.
- Ability to identify and interconnect the main structuring principles of Portuguese Criminal Law.
- Ability to identify and link the main sources of modern Criminal Law.
- Understanding of the main issues of application and effectiveness of criminal law (application in time and space) in contemporary societies.
- Development of conceptual and methodological tools related to the application of criminal norms, within the framework of the great principles of Western public law.
- Identification of the “new” criminal problems of the risk society (Ulrich Beck).
Fundamental rights
- Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
- Concept of Fundamental Rights
- Integration of the Fundamental Rights regime
- Master the main concepts related to Fundamental Rights
European Union Law I
- Knowing European integration and mastering the way in which the European Union works (domain of subjects taught);
- Have the ability to identify and select sources of information regarding the European reality and European Union Law, in order to allow self-learning (research, text writing and problem solving skills);
- Mastering the legal order of the European Union (competences; institutional framework; sources) and understanding its relationship with the national legal order, in order to allow the integration of the fields of European Union Law within the scope of the other curricular units and the deepening of its study in other study cycles.
Administrative Law II
To provide knowledge of the political, administrative and jurisdictional guarantees of individuals vis-à-vis the Public Administration. In addition to the graceful administrative guarantees, the core of the discipline results in administrative litigation.
In addition to the theoretical, basic component, practical cases are analyzed and works on administrative jurisprudence are presented and discussed. It is intended that students investigate by themselves or in a group.
Criminal Law II
International Law II
Family Law
Family Law has the general objective of teaching the sources of family legal relationships (marriage, kinship, affinity and adoption). In the uc, marriage, divorce, invalidity of marriage, property regimes, property administration, liability for debts of the spouses, etc. are analyzed in detail.
The General Theory of Civil Law II aims to “familiarize” students with the fundamental concepts and principles of Civil Law, in general, and with the legal relationship, in particular. In this discipline, instruments and legal frameworks common to most legal-civil relations considered indispensable for the further study of other disciplines of Portuguese Civil Law are taught. Particular importance is given to the legal fact and the guarantee of the legal relationship.
Real rights
Provide students with in-depth knowledge of rights in rem, providing them with the ability to resolve any emerging case in this sector of law. A distinction is made between credit rights and rights in rem, the study of a general theory of rights in rem, by identifying their characteristics, principles and specialties. Afterwards, each real right and its specific legal regime are studied. It is intended that students are able to understand and resolve any practical case in real life, including litigation cases.
Law of Obligations I
To provide students with in-depth knowledge of the current Law of Obligations. Above all, equip students with knowledge capable of acting within the scope of professional and business activity.
It is intended that students are able to understand and solve emerging problems of obligations and responsibility, with solid knowledge for intervention in real-life practical cases.
Succession Law
Succession Law aims to teach students the general rules governing the division of inheritance.
With Succession Law, it is intended to learn in detail all the stages of the succession process necessary for someone to enter into the ownership of legal relationships that belonged to another, deceased.
Fiscal right
- Understand the financial, economic and social functions of taxes and the tax system
- Acquire the legal-tax vocabulary
- Understand the technical and regulatory phases of taxes and distinguish taxes from related tax figures
- Know the different normative sources (internal and international) of taxes, as well as their ways of interpretation and application
- Understand the specificity of the legal-tax relationship and its elements
- Understand the specificity of administrative activity in the field of taxation
- Understand the structuring principles of IRS and VAT
Law of Obligations II
To provide students with in-depth knowledge of the current Law of Obligations. Above all, equip students with knowledge capable of acting within the scope of professional and business activity.
It is intended that students are able to understand and solve emerging problems of obligations and responsibility, with solid knowledge for intervention in real-life practical cases.
Criminal Procedural Law I
Learning in this UC aims to provide students with:
- knowledge, skills and abilities of Criminal Procedural Law specific to this study cycle;
- knowledge and legal-constitutional competences in criminal proceedings appropriate to a historical and current assumption of the Portuguese criminal procedure model, as well as to the understanding and exegesis of the guiding principles of a criminal procedure with an accusatory structure of a democratic substantive rule of law;
- knowledge, skills and competences about the Portuguese criminal procedural structure and iter from the news of the crime to the final decision;
- scientific elements for an interpretation of the institutes and legal-procedural precepts according to the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights;
- a constructive critical spirit in the field of scientific research that helps them, at any time, to interpret and apply the criminal legal and procedural rules.
Labor Law
- In-depth study of market law: competition, consumers and advertising
- Analysis of the concept of regulation with an emerging area of economic law (indirect State intervention)
- Identification of the structuring regulatory bodies and analysis of the regulations that shape them
Civil Procedural Law I
Introduction to procedural law; its connection with civil law; process development. Understanding of fundamental principles and autonomous procedural concepts. Preparation for the understanding of judicial practice and the implementation of the law (1st approach). Enable students to prepare and analyze pleadings, prepare and assess evidence and its impact on judicial decisions, in fact and in law.
- Develop the knowledge that students acquired in UC Law of the European Union I in the field of EU litigation, with special relevance to the preliminary ruling, in order to contextualize in contentious terms issues of application of substantive Community law;
- To provide students with knowledge of the substantive law of the European Union, with special relevance to the exercise of legal professions, namely the legal regime of the freedoms of the internal market (of goods, persons, services and capital) and competition;
- Enable students to identify and select sources of information regarding relevant aspects of European Union Law, in order to allow self-learning.
Commercial law
Philosophy of law
The Philosophy of Law, taught in the 3rd year of the Law Degree at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, aims at a philosophical reflection on Law and Justice.
The Philosophy of Law aims to provide knowledge of some of the main currents of Philosophy of Law as well as to encourage and deepen the critical thinking of students in these areas.
The aim of the course is to exercise knowledge acquired in other curricular units, highlighting the correlation between the subjects. The works evolve through the elaboration and presentation of procedural documents, from 2 distributed cases and simulating the course of an ordinary civil procedure and a criminal procedure in its most basic procedure.
The aim of the course is to exercise knowledge acquired in other curricular units, highlighting the correlation between the subjects. The works evolve through the elaboration and presentation of procedural documents, from 2 distributed cases and simulating the course of an ordinary civil procedure and a criminal procedure in its most basic procedure.
Commercial societies law
- Provide students with in-depth knowledge of commercial company law; from legal dogmatics to corporate types. Equip students with knowledge capable of acting within the scope of commercial and corporate activity.
- It is intended that students are able to solve the legal problems of companies, with solid knowledge, namely, of corporate litigation.
Executive Process
- Consolidation of procedural knowledge in its functional structure.
- The enforceability of the right declared and contained in an enforceable title that can be judicial or extrajudicial.
- The compliance of the title with the legal typicality in the list of article 46 of the CPC.
- The purposes pursued by the executive action in view of the title being executed.
- Distinction of executive action as to the purposes: for payment of a certain amount, for delivery of the right thing and provision of a positive or negative fact.
- The forms of common and special enforcement procedure to which the provisions of the common procedure apply.
- The legitimacy of third parties in the defense of their interests when harmed by the execution.