History, Arts and Humanities

Training in the area of History dates back to the foundation of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, in 1985, and constitutes a mainstay of its training offer.

Over these three and a half decades, hundreds of students who are currently placed in active life in the most diverse occupations, applying the skills acquired in the Autonomous Region, attended the various study cycles, now gathered in the Department of History, Arts and Humanities.

From secondary to university education, in archives, libraries, museums and interpretation centres, in the media and in the diplomatic corps, in archeology, arts management and heritage defense companies, municipalities and public institutions of all kinds, the diversified position of former DHAH students proves one of the fundamental principles of the training activity, that of transmitting a solid cultural and humanistic preparation that allows a compatible performance in the most diverse areas.

At advanced levels, more specialized careers are projected within the framework of competences programmed in the respective curricula.
In a world that is increasingly lacking in humanistic training and the transmission of the respective values, the growing adherence to our offer by very diverse audiences is justified, and that expands, from the youngest people from secondary education in the continuation of their academic training, from professionals with active lives who are looking for new skills to be valued, to the senior public who seek to obtain systematized information that will help them to gain a new understanding and consolidation of the world around us.

In response to the challenges that the present time continually projects and in accordance with the good practices followed internationally, the DHAH maintains active Curriculum review committees, ensuring adequate programmatic updating.

With efficient facilities located in the center of the city, in the classified area of Avenida da Liberdade, the department's faculty comprises a group of professors with great pedagogical experience and notable scientific production, together with a new generation of young professors, ensuring timely proper renovation.

To those who are now starting their training at DHAH, a very warm word of welcome, certain that they will find a team always available to welcome them conveniently.

We also welcome those who visit us collecting information to better guide their choice and refer them to official documents where they will be able to understand our reality in detail.


Director of the Department of History, Arts and Humanities (2015-2021)
Professor Doctor Miguel Figueira de Faria


Decision of the Board of Directors of the Final Assessment/Accreditation Report prepared by the External Assessment Committee regarding the study cycle in History

Carmen Figueiredo

Fernando Martins

Maria Cristina de Melo

Ricardo Seabra