Two of the following tests:
- 06 - Philosophy
- 11 – History
- 18 – Portuguese
With a curriculum that was completely renewed and updated in 2020, the Bachelor's Degree in History at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa offers students a generalist education that covers the main chronological areas (from prehistory to the contemporary period) and introduces key themes of current historiography in various fields (history of the environment, history of science and technology, history of women, European and non-European historiographies, archaeology, history of art, among others).
In accordance with the precepts of the Bologna Declaration and the solid and consolidated training acquired in the first cycle, graduates in History from UAL will have a wide range of opportunities in the job market: participation in local authorities, cultural, heritage, environmental or tourism companies, consultancy, museums, libraries, archives, press and media, teaching, diplomatic and political representation, in addition to research, the latter to be consolidated by attending other study cycles in the Department of History, Arts and Humanities at UAL (Masters in History and Heritage; PhD in History). The Bachelor's degree in History at UAL operates in both daytime and evening classes.
Within the scope of this degree, the highlights are: Seminar in Modern and Contemporary History, which aims to provide an overview of research work in the area of Modern and Contemporary History. The program contents are focused on enabling students to develop research projects, the topics of which will be chosen by the students themselves in dialogue with the teachers of the curricular unit.
The program contents are adapted to the priority of acquiring multidisciplinary skills, with the aim of deepening methodologies appropriate to historical research and of confronting different lines of interpretation produced in the field of modern and contemporary history. Special attention will be given to current epistemological and ethical challenges, particularly in the context of the development of digital tools and the diversification of forms of production of historical knowledge.
Work on sources and methods is a priority when opening the course. The historian's identity, sources and their typology, narrativity, text and reading will thus be issues to be addressed; in addition, methodological notions will also be provided in class. Within the framework of an initial curricular year, an efficient use of students is expected.
In this curricular unit, a general approach is made to the three great pre-classical civilizations of the Fertile Crescent, whose characteristics helped to influence and shape others in the Mediterranean basin. The subject taught is divided into four major blocks: The Fertile Crescent in general, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and the Levant, articulating in the best way with other curricular units, namely Prehistory, Civilizations Classics and Archeology.
Knowing and understanding the historical evolution of ancient Greece – an essential step towards the historical perception of the European West. To apprehend fundamental concepts within the scope of political culture and collective life, the nature of social behavior, but without losing sight of the individuality of the human being, of the search for balance between the strength of reason and the reason of conscience. Get to know the progressive spatial realities of ancient Greece. Knowing the heritage of the Greek lexicon in the Portuguese language
In this curricular unit, a general approach is made to prehistory worldwide, progressively advancing to the realities of Europe, the Iberian Peninsula and Portugal, as the information becomes greater, richer and more complex. The subject taught is divided into four major blocks: Human Evolution, Cultural Evolution, Ancient Prehistory in Portugal, Recent Prehistory in Portugal, articulating in the best way with other curricular units, namely Civilizations of the Ancient Orient and Archaeology.
Writing as preservation of memory. Know the genesis and evolution of writing (15th-17th centuries) and its characterization. The illuminated manuscripts – articulation between text and image. The supports and instruments of writing. Know the evolution of abbreviation systems. The use of Roman and Arabic numerals. Of codex to the printed book--the great printers. The deconstruction of a text: analysis of diplomatic discourse.
General Medieval History
This curricular unit deals with the Middle Ages as a whole: myths and their deconstruction, their tripartite periodization and medieval society(ies). However, the period between the fall of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, in its most varied aspects – Latinity, Christianity, Byzantium, Islam and the Scandinavian World will also be approached with particular focus. In this way, it is intended to trace the general picture of the evolution of the political, economic, social and institutional structures of the Medieval West until the first manifestations of the Genesis of the Modern State.
Periodization of the history of Rome .To know history beyond the war events: from the victory in the war to the “triumph” of the victors, which was a political ceremony and a mechanism for social ascension. Understanding the political-religious interaction: divinatory practices and Roman pragmatism. The territorial organization of the empire: from the notion of identity to its diversity and complex heterogeneity. The presence of women in the reality of power and in social life. Of pagan concepts (fides, pietas, honor, virtus) to Christian values. The importance of the Roman lexicon in the Portuguese language (neo-Latin).
The objective of this curricular unit is to understand the process of Portuguese expansion in the period between the 15th and 19th centuries. The Portuguese case will be analyzed in the global context of European expansion, focusing on interactions with other Europeans in the various overseas spaces, but also, and above all, with the various actors and social groups from other political and cultural geographies with whom the Portuguese met. and confronted throughout the process of building their empire.
Medieval History of Portugal
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the genesis, evolution and consolidation of the kingdom and royal power in Portugal in medieval times, from the beginnings of the Portuguese county to the affirmation of the second dynasty, in a broad political and socio-economic context in the Peninsula and Europe. The different themes will be presented by the professors in theoretical-practical classes, and it is up to the students to deepen them, commenting and interpreting sources, presenting critical readings of works and articles, as well as oral presentations on certain points of the program.
Writing as preservation of memory. Know the genesis and evolution of writing (15th-17th centuries) and its characterization. The illuminated manuscripts – articulation between text and image. The supports and instruments of writing. Know the evolution of abbreviation systems. The use of Roman and Arabic numerals. Of codex to the printed book--the great printers. The deconstruction of a text: analysis of diplomatic discourse.
General Modern History
The objective of this course is to understand the evolution of political and governance systems in Europe during the Modern Period. This analysis favors a comparative approach, which takes into account the diversity of pace and intensity of social and cultural transformations in European societies between the Renaissance period and the Enlightenment century. The classes aim to increase reading habits, reflection and discussions of reference texts in the historiography of Modern Europe.
Colonizations and Empires
The history of empires does not precede the history of nations. Although with different configurations, Empires survive today and/or the desire to revive them. Manichean and dichotomous views do not help to correctly explain colonization. As important as recognizing the violence implicit in colonial dynamics is understanding, for example, how cultural exchanges mutually influenced “colonizers” and “colonized”. The dismantling of empires and colonial independence processes also marked posterity.
Modern History of Portugal
The course aims to provide an overview of the lines of force that characterized the History of Portugal between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Contemporary. Based largely on primary sources, the analysis of which is intended to be promoted, it focuses on the social, political, economic and cultural frameworks that defined Portugal under the Old Regime, summarizing multivariate themes, from royal Absolutism to Enlightenment philosophy, from inquisitorial institution to economic mercantilism.
General History of Art I
With this course unit, the student will be able to identify, interpret and describe the fundamental landmarks of European art in a temporal and formalist sequence. Thus, it will develop the critical spirit for a qualitative scrutiny of artistic production, in an initiation to the reading and historical and aesthetic evaluation of the work of art, between the periods of Antiquity until the dawn of the Renaissance.
The course unit of History of Science and Technology has as its main objective the understanding of the process of development of modern science and its impact on the western world, between the 15th and 20th centuries. In addition to the knowledge and affirmation of experimental and observational scientific methods, the impact of applied science in the affirmation of Nation-States will also be studied, with particular emphasis on the Industrial Revolutions and consequent industrialization processes.
Contemporary General History
The curricular unit General Contemporary History aims to present and discuss the major themes of political, social and cultural history that allow us to understand the processes of transformation of European societies, between the end of the 18th century and the Second World War. The more specific objectives are: to understand the debates and interpretative confrontations produced in the historiographical field, to present opinions orally and in writing and to develop argumentative skills and a critical spirit.
history of Brazil
The History of Brazil is not just the history of a country in the present, as it also includes the colonial period and the period before Portuguese colonization. Strictly speaking, it would only be a national history if periodization began, at most, at the end of the 18th century. Brazilian society is a plural society in multiple senses and, in most cases, this heterogeneity is praised. However, social inequality is by far its worst feature. To understand present-day Brazil, we need to study Portuguese colonization, but we cannot forget that there were 200 years of history of an independent country afterwards.
The course unit of Contemporary History of Portugal aims, as main objective, to understand and interpret the evolution of the History of Portugal in the 19th and 20th centuries – from the liberal revolution to the process of democratization of the country –, considering both the institutional and political aspects as well as the social and economic dimensions.
In addition to exploring essential bibliography and sources of different typologies, as well as the development of an adequate methodology for the historical investigation of the aforementioned chronological period, it is also intended to encourage, in students, the improvement of ways of communicating within the scope of the discipline of history. contemporary art, through different media and with different target audiences.
General History of Art II
Following the methodology developed by the curricular unit General History of Art I, this subject aims to understand that artistic manifestations have been developing between the individual and society, framed by religious, cultural, social, political and economic events and transformations, such as conjuncture that provides artistic creation, between the chronological period between the 16th and 20th centuries.
history of africa
It is intended, with this curricular unit, the knowledge of the general history of the African continent, in its different ethnic, social, political, economic and cultural contexts. In addition to the study of the different colonial structures implemented in African territories, with particular emphasis on Portuguese colonialism, the main political-ideological conjunctures will also be analyzed and the challenges in the post-colonial period will be highlighted.
The curricular unit of Theory of History and Historical Knowledge aims to provide students with a panorama where the ontology of the historical event and the epistemology of the respective knowledge predominate. In addition to deepening generic questions about the purpose of History and the historian, also analyzing the different paths of historiographical production from 1945 to the present, it is intended that students acquire, with this subject, a greater hermeneutic capacity regarding basic texts epistemological.
History of Art in Portugal I
This curricular unit allows the understanding of the main characteristics and evolution of art in Portuguese territory between Romanesque and Mannerism. In this way, the student will be able to obtain the skills that allow him to classify the reference works of art established in the program, setting chronologies, identifying the personal nature of the creators, interpreting their contents and respective production conditions.
In this curricular unit, it is intended that students acquire the theoretical and methodological exercise appropriate to archaeological knowledge in the field of History construction. For this, fundamental resources are provided for the identification, selection and evaluation of material sources and for the development of techniques, attitudes and behaviors based on general knowledge in the field of archaeological sciences.
Asia history
This curricular unit aims at the historicization of Asia, carried out through the analysis of the evolution and complexity of Asian societies and civilizations in their continental and maritime contexts. The political, economic, cultural and social dynamics that have marked the history of this macro-region, whose interactions have had repercussions, over time, across the globe, will be privileged.
History of the Environment
This curricular unit aims to acquire the theoretical and methodological tools appropriate to the knowledge of the history of the environment. It also aims to understand, from a long-term perspective and from a global history perspective, the evolution of the relationship between human societies and nature, and its respective political, economic and cultural consequences. Finally, it aims to present and analyze from a historical perspective the contemporary debates on the need to adapt to climate change, to preserve ecosystems and biodiversity and the sustainability of natural resources.
It is intended that the student will be able to identify, interpret and describe the fundamental milestones of Portuguese art between the 17th and 19th centuries and in the context of European art. It will seek to create specific skills so that the student is prepared for the necessary qualitative scrutiny of artistic production, in an initiation to reading and historical and aesthetic evaluation of the work of art.
With this curricular unit, it is intended that students acquire knowledge in the scope of Business and Organizations and integrate this thematic specificity in the context of General History and of Portugal, in a chronological period that covers the four Industrial Revolutions (last two centuries).
In addition to the important distinction between Business History as a science (“History gives Company”) and Applied Business History (“History at Company), considering it as an instrument of strategic management, students of the discipline of Business and Organizational History will be made aware of the relevance of company archives and their preservation, as essential elements for the elaboration of the respective history.
This curricular unit is guided by two objectives. First, analyze the effects of cultural tourism on the socio-economic and material reconfiguration of heritage, providing a general understanding of the history of tourism and tourist practices, whether cultural or heritage tourism. Second, to allow students to acquire skills, at an operational and practical level, namely, management and organization skills, in order to devise a conceptual path of tourist routes and itineraries.
Women's History
Aligning itself with the most recent paradigms that shape the Women's Studies, and assuming itself as a theoretical instrument capable of shaping a conscious and critical attitude in the present world regarding the problem of gender, the discipline of Women's History seeks to reflect on the condition of women in the West, questioning the status that History and the Historiography has in store for you. Considering gender as a historical-social construction, it focuses, in a diachronic perspective, on life situations marked by different categories of social differentiation (such as class, race, age and nationality).
Art History
The seminar seeks to place the student in the diversity of specializations existing in the area of Art History, preparing him to master the discipline's methodologies, improve his ability to handle information (from documentary to iconographic sources) to the way of disseminating knowledge. . Students are thus included in the research lines developed in the Department, in order to integrate them in a first phase of work in research in Art History.
History of Municipalism
In the Seminar on the History of Municipalism, the evolution of local power is approached from its genesis, territorial implantation and consolidation in medieval times, in a path that will lead to the Manueline reform of charters. A first module focuses on the role of municipalities in the context of a policy of conquest and settlement of the territory. A second focuses on the evolution of municipal power in the 14th and 15th centuries and analyzes the sociological profiles of local power elites, governance practices, memory, symbols and municipal festivities, as well as the dialogue between municipalities and the royal power in Cortes. Finally, the framework for the reform of charters in the time of D. Manuel will be presented. In order to encourage research, critical analysis and interpretation of a variety of documental typology are privileged with a view to preparing a final research work.
Historical Geography
In the Geography Seminar, the general objectives are to promote the learning of research techniques that articulate History and Geography, through the research of historical, archaeological, ethnographic, economic and sociological documentation and geographic bibliography, for the elaboration of a personal work. Historical Geography shows that the reconstruction of past geographical conditions leads to a better understanding of current ones. The close relationship between Geography and History is as old as both Sciences, as all human events and all natural, cultural and political situations on the globe are linked to time and space.
In this curricular unit, a general approach is made to Archeology as a science. The subject taught is divided into three major blocks: Archaeological Theory, Field Methods, Laboratory Methods, articulating in the best way with other curricular units, namely Prehistory, Civilizations of the Ancient East and Classical Civilizations
Modern and Contemporary History