Colloquium "National Press: 250 years of History. The Book, Knowledge and the State" | 28 and 29 November | Auditorium 1

October 15, 2019 - articles events History

  The royal charter of December 24, 1768 determined the creation of a Typographic Workshop that could «make itself useful and respectable for the perfection of its characters, and for the abundance and cleanliness of its prints» In the two and a half centuries that have elapsed since then and at the present are recalled, the Royal Print (“National Press” to...

Conference "Importance of Circadian Rhythmicity for Psychology Research and Practice" | 17 October | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

The most prominent circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle and today we know the importance of its regularity for the physical and mental health of humans In various situations, such as shift work, meridian flights, irregular sleep, etc., we have cognitive impairments and disturbances. metabolic processes In a special phase of our life, adolescence, a...

Conference “How we prepare for an unpredictable future” | 17 October | 11:30 am | Auditorium 1

We live in a time when change is increasingly the rule and not the norm We are going through a period of transformation at a global level, with particular emphasis on the speed of change Growing and thriving in a constantly changing world requires innovation, proactivity and agility in attitudes and options The values and ways of...

Launch of the book "Sports Management - Understanding to Manage" | 17 October | 10 am | Auditorium 1

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa intends to make official, before the academic community, the presentation of the book Gestão do Desporto – Compreender para Gerir This book is an important milestone for the management of sports organizations in which academics, students and professionals will be better able to manage and act in the face of organizational complexity It will be recommended literature...

The Emergence of a New Eurasia: The Competitive Role of the European Union and Russia | June 17th | 1:30 pm | Room 22

Speaker: Sandra Fernandes Universidade do Minho / CICP Moderation: Ana Isabel Xavier OBSERVARE-UAL Synopsis: The current Eurasian space is being redefined, with new international orders emerging guided by different normative agendas, namely the European Union and Russia We define “order” as a normative system that establishes political and economic reference rules for evaluating...

Conference "Hydrological Planning and the Albufeira Convention" | 5 June | 20h | Auditorium 1

The Albufeira Convention of November 30, 1998 defines the framework for cooperation for the protection of surface and groundwater and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems directly dependent on the sustainable use of water resources in the Spanish-Portuguese hydrographic basins of the Minho, Lima, Douro, Tagus and Guadiana, in accordance with the principles...