Valter Pinheiro
Vanessa Gouveia
Vania Simões
Vânia Simões is a guest assistant at UAL, collaborating in the Departments of Law and Communication Sciences. She completed her PhD in Law at Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2023, awaiting proof of...
Vera Chaia
Vera Chaia is a professor in the Department of Politics, of the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences, a researcher at Neamp (Nucleus of Studies in Art, Media and Politics) at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
Vera Pedragosa
Vera Pedragosa holds a PhD in sports sciences, is a member of the Center for Research in Economic and Business Sciences (CICEE) and collaborates with the Center for Research in Psychology (CIP), teaches...
Victor Oliveira
Vitor Oliveira has been an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa since 2020 He teaches at the degree and his research interests are related to the study of the financial system, in particular the financial system.
Victor Pataco
He is currently President of the Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, IP (IPDJ) and is a part-time professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
Victor Tomé
Journalist (since 1993), educator of teachers and journalists, he is a researcher in the areas of Media Literacy and Journalism.
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