Vânia Simões is a guest assistant at UAL, collaborating in the Departments of Law and Communication Sciences. He completed his PhD in Law at Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2023, awaiting public defense exams. Graduated and Master in Law from the Faculty of Law of Lisbon, she has postgraduate degrees in Medicine/Health Law and Intellectual Property Law. A lawyer, she was also a guest assistant at several public institutions, namely the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and private educational institutions. She won a Human Rights Prize, with the study “Obstetric Violence: institutionalized violence against gender”. Intervened with the Health Commission in the drafting of diplomas in the area of maternal and obstetric health. She is the author of several authored and co-authored articles, as well as monographs. Coordinates and participates, as a teacher, regularly in specialized training in the areas of women's rights, health and children's rights. She was also a speaker at more than thirty conferences, in Portugal and abroad. She is also a researcher at CEDIS-NOVA and Nascer.pt, a social studies laboratory for birth. His areas of interest include human rights in general, anti-discrimination law; women's rights; health law; children's rights; labor law; obstetric violence; reproductive rights, in particular.