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The Department of Law is a cornerstone of UAL's educational project, having been able to provide itself, over more than two decades of existence, with high standards of scientific quality, with a staff of academically qualified teachers and with wide and diverse professional experiences. The Department of Law is deeply committed to its own
The Degree in International Relations at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa has a wide tradition and prestige, having already trained several hundred students since its “starting shot” in 1989. With a duration of six semesters, in line with the guidelines introduced by the Bologna Process, is part of the training offer of the Department
A Degree in Management Informatics is a multifaceted professional, with a fundamental role of intermediation between the needs of business management and the Information Systems (IS) that support it. Prepared to establish the bridge between Management and Information Technology, he is a natural candidate for the Information Systems Directorates, playing
The Degree in Management at UAL, adapted to the Bologna Process, is characterized by the implementation of innovative methodologies, eminently practical and oriented towards best practices in the area of business sciences. In this way, in an environment of great proximity between students, professors and the department, the teaching of management is based on the high quality faculty of both the
The Degree in Economics at UAL, adapted to the Bologna Process, is characterized by the implementation of innovative methodologies, eminently practical and oriented towards the best practices in the area of economic sciences. In this way, in an environment of great proximity between students, professors and the department, the teaching of economics is based on the high quality faculty of both the
The Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (LEET) provides advanced training in the field of Electrotechnics, with particular orientation towards the insertion of Electronics and Networks and Telecommunications in companies / organizations, also contemplating the acquisition of skills in the complementary areas of production and distribution Energy, Robotics and Computing. LEET has the
Com um curriculum inteiramente renovado e atualizado em 2020, a Licenciatura em História da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa oferece aos alunos uma formação generalista que contempla as grandes áreas cronológicas (da pré-história ao período contemporâneo) e introduz temas-chave da historiografia atual em vários domínios (história do ambiente, história das ciências e da tecnologia, história das
The Degree in Sports Management is a strategic bet that reinforces the positioning of the Autonomous University of Lisbon and the Department of Economic and Business Sciences. Of the various degrees available in the Department of Economic and Business Sciences, the Degree in Sports Management complements the training offer in the areas of Management. the motivation
The degree in Computer Engineering aims at the initial training of Computer Engineers. This type of professional must demonstrate a vast knowledge of Information Systems and Technologies, their potential, limitations and comparative advantages. Knowing how to make the best use of computer technologies and, through their integration, must have the necessary skills to build
The world does not stop and UAL follows suit. Because we know that the media sector in Portugal and in the world is in permanent transformation, we offer a multifaceted training in the areas of Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing. Our Degree aims to respond to an increasingly demanding job market and opens doors to
The study plan is divided into two cycles according to the Bologna Process. The 1st cycle, lasting 3 years, confers the degree of Degree in Architecture Studies and corresponds to obtaining 180 ECTS. Dispatch No. 9957-AP/2007, of April 18, Accredited by A3ES, on 06/09/2014. The 2nd cycle,
The Degree in Psychology has as its philosophy the experiential, hands-on pedagogical principles, underlying the Bologna guidelines and the training requirements to practice the profession of psychologist, according to the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. Thus, the interconnection between the theoretical concepts presented and their practical application (eg in specific contexts) is privileged.