Master's in Law, Legal and Police Sciences

Diário da República, 2nd series – No. 178 – September 13, 2021, Announcement no. 201/2021

The general objective of this course is to offer a solid postgraduate training to all those who are dedicated to the legal sciences whose object is the police activity: the lato sensu prevention function within the framework of the police functions of public order and security and police administrative; and that of criminal prevention stricto sensu expressed in the role of criminal police.
The Course is comprehensive – the mandatory CUs lead to a holistic critical sense of the great problems of the legal-police sciences – and directed – the study of each of the functional dimensions of police through the optional CUs.
The course will enable students to have a critical look at the established Law and to constitute within an interdisciplinary/disciplinary dialogue regarding one of the areas of State sovereignty: the role of the police in promoting spaces of freedom, security and justice; and will allow the development of master's dissertations in the three functional dimensions of police.


    - Alex Pires

    The main objective is to enable the master's student to reflect on a scientific basis, building on opinion a real value.
    that contributes to the development of Law as a Science. Thus, it is intended:
    1. Characterize scientific knowledge
    2. Determine the importance of methods and techniques in the construction of knowledge about the Science of Law
    3. Define the importance of the observation-perception binomial
    4. Determine the importance of the scientific argument over personal opinion
    5. Stimulate the elaboration of a Research Project that leads to a Master's Thesis

    - Diogo Leite Campos - Stella Barbas

    The learning objectives are to make students able to deepen the law while
    human relationship, made of empathy and sympathy. The legal relationship translates and puts into action the person in relation,
    going beyond mere non-inclusive positivism.
    It is also intended that students know and deepen the law on police action under the relational prism
    human being subordinated to the ethics of the exercise of power, especially in the discovery of factual truth and in the promotion of
    justice, assuming itself as the guarantor of the rights of the free, equal and dignified person.

    - Manuel Guedes Valente

    Knowing the police activity as essential to the harmonious development of the national community and
    international law, taking into account the conceptual change of the Police in view of the constitutionalization of its mission within the
    framework of sovereignty missions – security and justice – as fundamental tasks of the State. this desideratum
    implies the organic and material knowledge of the police and the various Security Forces and Services, taking into account the
    three-dimensionality of the police – public, administrative and criminal/judicial order and tranquility – and the attributions
    general and special aspects of the various dimensions of the Police.

    - Pedro Trovão do Rosário

    Knowing and dealing with the familiarity of the Portuguese constitutional legal system, as well as the legal framework
    European and international in the field of fundamental rights.
    Be able to problematize the acquired knowledge and look for lines for investigation; be creative in analyzing
    fracturing themes in order to adapt to new circumstances and unforeseen contexts; have necessary learnings
    that allow you to study Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights; develop writing skills and
    orality with logical arguments, applied in the defense or maintenance of a legal or technical position; write and
    develop reports on legal issues of Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights; extract information
    and select them.
    Know the activity of the various national and international bodies related to Fundamental Rights.
    Obtain skills aimed at applying the knowledge acquired in the legal protection of fundamental rights

    - Maria Joao da Guia

    Provide students with knowledge, skills and competences that allow them to analyze the phenomenon of crime and
    of the law as reflections of the context of social, economic, cultural and political time and space in order to be able to
    build a consistent scientific reflection on reality and solution or decision-making solution paths
    policy and legislation.
    Knowing the history of criminological thought, based on the assumptions of theoretical models of criminology,
    as well as the repercussions of scientific knowledge in current criminology.
    Study the classical, modern and contemporary theories of criminology within the framework of the legal-criminal sciences and
    the deepening of an interdisciplinary perspective of criminology.

    - Artur Flaminio da Silva

    1. Development of knowledge in General Administrative Law and, particularly, in a branch of Law
    Special Administrative Law (the Administrative Law of Police);
    2. Acquisition and development of legal research methodologies and preparation of a work of
    research in the field of Administrative Law;
    3. Refinement of the critical and dogmatic spirit with a view to understanding (and reconstruction) of legal institutions
    4. Promote reflection and dialogue with the most relevant doctrine and jurisprudence.

    - Fernando Jose Silva

    Obtaining advanced knowledge of new areas of criminal law, specifics of crime types and
    mode of expansion and alteration of the nature of criminal law.
    Approach to the areas of protection of diffuse rights, new areas of criminal law, such as changing the criteria
    of objective imputation and reformulation of the construction of types of crime
    New models of criminal responsibility and imputation of facts and their implications in terms of forms of crime.

    - Constança Urbano Sousa

    • Acquisition of core knowledge of Migration Law (Immigration and Asylum Law).
    • Legal status of immigrants and refugees.
    • Understanding and critical evaluation of the securitization process of the regulation of international migrations.
    • Knowledge of border control rules and instruments to prevent irregular immigration.
    • Knowledge of the instruments of criminal repression of irregular immigration (crime of aid to irregular immigration;
    sanctions for employers of undocumented migrants).
    • Knowledge of imperative norms for the protection of human rights and the principle of non refoulement as limits
    the action of States in the context of the regulation of international migrations.

    Security Law
    6 ECTS

    - Jorge Bacelar Gouveia

    This curricular unit will allow students to become acquainted with the reality of security, in its
    dimensions, from the Constitution as a fundamental law of the State, as well as its legal order.
    This is how the student will get to know the fundamental options that each state political community – concretizing if this study in the Portuguese state reality – makes in terms of security, in its various valences within the
    general concept of national security, which unfolds in military security, internal security, security of
    State and community security, without forgetting the perspective of citizens' right to security.

    - Fernando Jose Silva

    Develop technical and practical knowledge, from a substantive and procedural point of view, in this branch of science
    Its purposes, guiding principles and main standards
    Framing of the special rules of the theory of infraction in the context of an illicit of mere social order and the norms
    administrative and judicial phases, with a practical study and approach to controversial issues and
    discussions of doctrine and jurisprudence.
    Everything is always based on the theoretical foundations that support this criminal legal science.

    - Manuel Guedes Valente

    Develop knowledge, skills and legal competences on Digital Law and Cybercrime,
    either in a dynamic of prevention or of repression, including the protection of law: eg, self-guardianship.
    Acquire and develop legal research methodologies and develop research work within the scope of
    Digital Law and Cybercrime, material and procedural.
    Sharpen the critical and dogmatic spirit with a view to understanding (and rebuilding) the existing legal institutes
    in the face of the digitization of life and criminal prosecution in the face of damage to legal assets essential to community life.
    Promote reflection and dialogue with the most relevant doctrine and jurisprudence.

    - Constança Urbano Sousa

    The objectives of the UC are:
    • Provide students with a systematic and in-depth knowledge of the normative-institutional framework of the
    European Union Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, a particularly complex area of integration
    Europe, in constant evolution.
    • Provide students with knowledge of the main instruments of the European Justice and Security Area, which
    allow its good practical use and the acquisition of capacity to accompany its constant evolution.
    • Provide students with knowledge about the mission and functioning of European police cooperation agencies and
    judiciary in criminal matters.
    • Enable students to master the internal channels of international police cooperation.
    • Equip students with the ability to formulate an autonomous critical and evaluative analysis on the main issues that
    belong to the complex areas that make up the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

    - Bruna Capparelli

    To promote an in-depth knowledge of the main institutes of legal cooperation in the face of
    globalization and the free movement of people.
    To enhance the interdisciplinary competences and capacity of autonomous learning, so that, assimilated the
    base instruments, students know how to update and improve them in the face of the national, European and international context, and the
    normative and jurisprudential framework.
    To transmit the most important methodological and operational tools in order to develop the capacity to
    critical re-elaboration of the legal principles and norms of legal cooperation.
    To promote the mastery of legal terminology, with the student having to demonstrate that they know how to express their own
    knowledge with accuracy, coherence and language property.
    Deepen an autonomous assessment competence through the elaboration (oral and written) of arguments
    legally sustainable in the face of the subjects taught in the curricular unit.

    - Alexandre Master

    It is intended to provide students with a general framework, at the legislative and regulatory level, of the mechanisms of
    prevention and repression of violence associated with sport, so that in the future, and in practice, they can intervene directly or
    indirectly in that context.

    - Luís Tome

    a) Acquire the theoretical and methodological framework suitable for Security Studies in a multidisciplinary perspective;
    b) Develop autonomous research skills and skills for exposing and transmitting
    knowledge and arguments;
    c) Understand and critically reflect on the dimensions, transformations and dynamics in the security domains,
    in particular those concerning organized crime and terrorism and their impacts;
    d) Understand the evolutions, dimensions and typologies and the main actors in terms of terrorism and crime
    e) Know the main doctrines and strategies and the instruments and organizations of international cooperation in the
    combating transnational organized crime and terrorism;
    f) Greater awareness of the erosion between the traditional internal and external dimensions of security, and challenges therefrom
    resulting for the EU and Portugal.

    - Bruna Capparelli

    The seminar pursues the objective of providing students with in-depth knowledge and study and
    analysis of Criminal Procedural Law.
    To provide students with a suitable scientific and methodological approach to fully master the problems of
    criminal justice.
    Offer students in-depth notions and the ability to study criminal procedural law for a methodology
    critical analysis for the analysis of concrete cases in the national and international context.
    Provide students with a set of suitable knowledge to apply the traditional institutes of procedural law
    Prepare students for an accurate scientific and methodological analysis that allows safe study and debate
    on current problems of criminal procedural law.
    Provide students with an analysis of the concrete/practical case or simulations through specific activities in order to
    that they are able to resolve the issues that may be posed to them in the future.

    - Ricardo Dinis Pedro

    Mastery by students of the main civil liability regimes of the Police, as well as the main
    dogmatic concepts related to the topic.
    Critical reflection on the main jurisprudence concerning the civil liability of the Police.

    Fernando Jose Silva

    Ricardo Dinis Pedro