Conference "Negotiation Behavior and Styles in the Organizational Field" | 28 November | 7pm | Auditorium 1

There are reports of exchanges of goods 5000 BC It was only in the middle of the last century that the commercialization of goods and services began to be studied in a serious and profound way. At the end of the last century, the concept of relational marketing was born, which is based on the creation of relationships of trust between the seller and the buyer...

Open Class by Professors Arlindo Alegre Donário and Ricardo Borges dos Santos | 5 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 2

Launch of the 2nd revised and expanded edition of the book “Economia – Com Destaque para a Microeconomia A critical vision” «This book, being the result of the maturation and discussion of several years, gave us the opportunity to change the emphases and interpretations that we had for acquired, remembering that scientific knowledge is provisional, always changing, because...

Open Class "Investigative Journalism and Political Scandal" | 22 November | 7pm | Room 39

Watergate (1974, USA) – The investigation of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein eventually led to the resignation of American President Richard Nixon The case is widely known and the “political scandal” is, today, an object of study and observation by the of journalists and academics It is within the framework of this reflection that this...

Conference "Basic of Neuropsychological Assessment" | 21 November | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

Basic of Neuropsychological Assessment: Its historical development and key points to be a good neuropsychologist The normal aging process is associated with declines in certain cognitive abilities, such as processing speed, memory, language, visuospatial, and executive function abilities On the other hand; dementia is a progressive syndrome in which there is deterioration in cognitive function...

Open Class "Cognitive Profile of normal aging, mild cognitive impairment and dementia" | 22 November | 11 am | Auditorium 1

15 November, 2019 - articles departments events Psychology

Within the scope of the Neurological and Deficit Disorders discipline of the Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, we have the participation of Professor Merve Çebi from the Department of Psychology at Üsküdar University (Turkey), a specialist in the field of neurosciences, who will address the issue of aging and of cognitive decline Speaker Professor Öğr Üyesi Merve...

Conference "Cancer disease and psychological adjustment" | 14 November | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

  The main objectives of this conference will be to present the main results in terms of psychosocial adjustment in oncological disease, with particular emphasis on quality of life, depression and anxiety; as well as therapeutic and psychoeducational intervention groups, implemented with cancer patients, in particular psychoeducational interventions in a “distance” format Speaker Sara Monteiro Integrated researcher...

Conference "New horizons of the health insurance market in Portugal" | 10 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

  About 27% of the Portuguese population have Health Insurance, so Safe Activity occupies an important space in the Portuguese Health System In this Conference, we will address the issue of management that supports the offer available on the market, as well as the reasons that explain the pace of Sustained growth of health insurance in the...

Conference "Project Management: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability" | 17 January | 7pm | Auditorium 1

A Project can be defined as a temporary effort with the objective of creating a product, a service or a unique result Entrepreneurship presupposes the existence of Projects, and to create something new it is necessary to guarantee an adequate Project Management and a commitment to Sustainability as well. It is important for us to achieve a better future...