Open Class “Investigative Journalism and Political Scandal” | 22 November | 7pm | Room 39

22 Nov 2019 - 19:00

Watergate (1974, USA) – The investigation of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, eventually led to the resignation of American President Richard Nixon. The case is widely known and the “political scandal” is, today, an object of study and observation by journalists and academics.

It is within the framework of this reflection that this open class is proposed within the scope of the UC of Political Communication of the Communication Sciences course at UAL.



Pedro Coelho
SIC investigative reporter

Professor at FCSH-UNL. PhD in Media and Journalism Studies, author of an extensive number of academic publications and distinguished with several journalism awards Distinguished with several journalism awards, including two Gazeta awards (2017, 2014), Cáceres Monteiro, AMI, European Parliament.



Department of Communication Sciences