In 1817, the most forceful movement against Portuguese colonial domination in Brazil took place. It took place at a time when Rio de Janeiro was taking the place of Lisbon and, also, when relations between Brazil and Portugal, in a way, were reversed. Known as the 'Pernambucan Revolution of 1817', the movement extended through the captaincies of Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte and part of Ceará, in addition to involving the then District of Alagoas. It led to the establishment of a republican government for about 75 days, had international repercussions and was violently repressed. This conference aims to present the origins of the movement, its protagonists, its banners. It also seeks to support the thesis according to which, even opposing colonial rule, the Revolution showed how difficult it was for the subjects of the Portuguese crown in Brazil to break with the greater Portuguese identity.
Professor Luiz Carlos Villalta | UNESCO Chair/UFMG-DRI
Department of History, Arts and Humanities
Chair of Luso-Brazilian History and Culture at DHAH