Conference: Asia, China and the World | 22 April | 16.00 | online

In a context of increasing centrality of Asia-Pacific in the geopolitics and geoeconomy of the world and the affirmation of China as a new superpower, the Department of International Relations and OBSERVARE of UAL, in partnership with the Institute of National Defense (IDN), invite you to participate in the cycle of conferences and open classes “China, Asia and the World”, coordinated by Profs Doutores...

Conference "“Narrative and Technology: The Storytelling Transmedia” | December 17 | 12:30 pm | Auditorium 1

On the 17th of December, at 1230, in Auditorium 1, the conference / open class “The Narrative and the Power of Technology: The Storytelling Transmedia”, with the presence of Nuno Bernardo, Director and General Director of the audiovisual production beActive With a background in communication and journalism, Nuno Bernardo is now considered one of the greatest specialists in narratives...

Open Class "The Press Office and Social Networks in Political Communication" | 9 December | 7pm | Auditorium 1

The digital revolution forced politics to adapt to the current communication reality Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube have become essential tools for press offices and are used by politicians in a perspective of approaching citizens To the “army” of professionals hired in the field of politics with the objective of intervening in the process of mediatization of the message,...

Open Class "Investigative Journalism and Political Scandal" | 22 November | 7pm | Room 39

Watergate (1974, USA) – The investigation of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein eventually led to the resignation of American President Richard Nixon The case is widely known and the “political scandal” is, today, an object of study and observation by the of journalists and academics It is within the framework of this reflection that this...

Conference "Fall of the Berlin Wall - 30 years" | 26 November | 3:30 pm | Auditorium 1

When the Berliners and other citizens present there woke up on August 13, 1961, they came across a wall that separated them From day to night they were on one side or the other of the wall, separated by an artificial physical barrier Families, like couples , parents, children and siblings were separated During his presence,...