The implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil has fluctuated from governance without a government to a complex governance design with a social aspect point to the strength of...
The implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil has fluctuated from governance without a government to a complex governance design with a social aspect point to the strength of...
JUSGOV researchers Alex Sander Pires, Pedro Trovão do Rosário and Ruben Bahamonde, together with Bartosz Makowicz, Director of the Viadrina Compliance Center, are coordinating the II INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON GOVERNANCE, ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE, to be held on the 16th and 17th November 2022, through a hybrid system (in person at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa...
This conference will address the contributions of Clinical Health Psychology and Psycho-Oncology in patients and their families, resulting from the experience of chronic, progressive and advanced diseases, in the context of palliative care. and clinical evaluation by psychologists is of particular importance, especially in...
The International Seminar on Transnational Organized Crime Studies took place on the 22nd and 23rd of November, at the Autonomous University of Lisbon.
This open class, within the scope of the Curricular Unit of European Affairs, of the Degree in International Relations, intends to problematize four axes: 1) The World Order: concept, diversity and evolution; 2) The current World Order: historical context and challenges; 3) Xi Jiping's rise to power and Russia's dangerous decline; and 4) The Russia-Ukraine conflict in the face of rivalry...
The objective of the 17th annual conference of Sport & EU (European Association for the Study of Sport in Europe) is to reflect on emerging matters related to the positioning of sport in the European Union. presence of numerous authors of texts submitted for this purpose, as well as moderators with extensive experience in the domain of the themes presented for debate.
The most significant feature of the long-standing relations between Türkiye and the EU is their up-and-down nature from the start and the parties' commitment to maintaining the relationship within the context of a membership perspective despite sporadic crises Türkiye's top strategic objective still is to become a member of the EU, despite the challenges in...
CEU – Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, CRL, as the founding entity of UAL – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and the Parish Council of Benfica, signed a protocol this Thursday, November 17, 2022, with the fundamental objective of promoting workshops and workshops to raise awareness of spending, consumption and saving water,...
Program 8:30-9:00: Reception and registration of participants 9:00-9:30: Opening session (MAI) 9:30-10:45: 1st Panel: Protection of the elderly Moderation: Ana Caetano (SGMAI) Ricardo da Silva (GNR Lieutenant Colonel): Program “ Seniors in Safety” Inês Perestrelo (PSP Subcommissioner): Program “Safety for Seniors Anabela Salgueiro (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) Patricia Oliveira (Regresso a Casa project...
During the child psychotherapeutic process, the lack of access to words to convey certain internal conflicts becomes evident. Drawings often make it possible to express the greatest difficulties faced by the child. internal contents are present with the use of this playful resource Com...