Gelson Pembele
He is a Guest Assistant Professor at the Department of Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Lisbon Currently studying for a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Science...
Kulari people
PhD in “Dynamics of Health and Social Protection” through three institutions: Universidade Nova de Lisboa – National School of Public Health, École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, and Uni...
Georg Dutschke
Georg Dutschke holds a PhD in Management from the University of Seville He is currently a professor and researcher at Portuguese and Spanish universities, also carrying out consultancy and interim management projects.
Goncalo John
Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon where he teaches Management Informatics to the undergraduate courses in Management and Sports Management since 2018/2019. Professor in ISEG's Free Courses in PowerPoint, Excel A...
Gonçalo Valadao
He has a degree in Physical Technological Engineering, a Master's in Geographic Information Systems and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, all degrees obtained at Instituto Superior Técnico Before starting...
Grace Almeida Borges
PhD from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy, 2014), with a thesis on the integration of the Portuguese and Spanish empires within the framework of the Iberian Union, a thesis that she is now preparing for publication. She received a scholarship...
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