THE | B | Ç | D | AND | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | No | THE | P | Q | R | s | T | u | V | W | X | Y | Z

  • Gelson Pembele

    He is a Guest Assistant Professor at the Department of Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Lisbon Currently studying for a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Science...

  • Kulari people

    PhD in “Dynamics of Health and Social Protection” through three institutions: Universidade Nova de Lisboa – National School of Public Health, École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, and Uni...

  • Georg Dutschke

    Georg Dutschke holds a PhD in Management from the University of Seville He is currently a professor and researcher at Portuguese and Spanish universities, also carrying out consultancy and interim management projects.

  • Goncalo John

    Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon where he teaches Management Informatics to the undergraduate courses in Management and Sports Management since 2018/2019. Professor in ISEG's Free Courses in PowerPoint, Excel A...

  • Gonçalo Valadao

    He has a degree in Physical Technological Engineering, a Master's in Geographic Information Systems and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, all degrees obtained at Instituto Superior Técnico Before starting...

  • Grace Almeida Borges

    PhD from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy, 2014), with a thesis on the integration of the Portuguese and Spanish empires within the framework of the Iberian Union, a thesis that she is now preparing for publication. She received a scholarship...