Two of the following tests:
- 06-Philosophy
- 17-Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences
- 18-Portuguese
The Degree in Psychology has as its philosophy the experiential pedagogical principles, hands-on, underlying the Bologna guidelines and the training requirements to practice the profession of psychologist, according to the Portuguese Psychologists Association. Thus, the interconnection between the theoretical concepts presented and their practical application (eg in specific contexts and in community institutions) is privileged, promoting contact with situations of the professional future, respecting, however, the characteristics of a 1st study cycle .
Enriching experiences are provided at a personal and academic level so that skills are progressively developed that allow for better integration into the labor market.
Statistics I
- Raise awareness of the relevance of information collection techniques and respective analysis;
- Provide foundational preparation that enables students to understand and apply relevant statistical techniques.
Neurobiology I
- Acquire knowledge in the area of nervous system biology and understand the relationships with related sciences;
- Learn to look for and select pertinent information about the nervous system and become aware of the volume of information that comes up daily;
- Develop techniques for studying the nervous system.
- Know the historical roots of Psychology from antiquity to the present;
- Understand the development of Psychology over the last two centuries, through the study of Psychology systems, the authors framed in them and their respective theoretical models;
- Acquire critical reflection skills about the different currents, their influences and contributions to Psychology, as well as the ability to establish comparisons between them; identify, research, select and evaluate sources of documentary and bibliographic information referring to the History of Psychology and current systems.
- Know the historical development, the mechanisms of interpersonal relationships and the dynamics of groups existing in human societies;
- Provide students with a learning process of the various dynamics of groups in a social and work context that allows them to integrate different contexts;
- Show in practice some of the phenomena studied while promoting the personal development of students.
Develop skills that allow acting, as psychologists, in group dynamics.
- Know the history of the study of animal behavior, distinguishing the fields of Comparative Psychology, Animal Psychology, Psychology and Ethology, along with theoretical-epistemological reflection on biobehavioral problems;
- Know the main areas of the study of animal and human behavior, namely agonistic, social, sexual, territorial and parental behaviors;
- Understand learning from an evolutionary perspective;
- Carry out scientific research work with special emphasis on behavioral categorization, observation and recording;
- Contact the main themes of the study of animal cognition;
- To know the great themes of incident ethology in Homo Sapiens.
Statistics II
- Know the fundamentals of Statistics that allow analyzing behaviors and developing studies on population characteristics, based on specific cases found in professional performance, as well as obtaining the bases for scientific research;
- Acquire the knowledge necessary for the correct collection of representative samples of the population, the fundamentals and mechanisms necessary for the estimation of the parameters of the universe based on sample statistics, for the characteristics that are intended to be studied, ensuring a good understanding of the methods to be used, their justification and its application conditions.
Neurobiology II
- Deepen knowledge in the area of nervous system biology;
- Learn the reciprocity between brain and environment;
- Develop research methodology.
Developmental Psychology
- Understand the basic processes of human development, at the cognitive, affective and social level, from the intrauterine phase to adolescence;
- Know the main classic studies on child development, as a starting point to understand the results of contemporary scientific research;
- Develop a critical spirit regarding the results of scientific research, based on a knowledge of scientific methodology;
- Develop scientific research skills, through the development of an empirical study, based on the collection of data by naturalistic or structured observation.
Personality Theories
- Knowing the evolution of the study of Personality, through the various theoretical perspectives that developed this field of study;
- Know the most empirically validated current Personality models and their contemporary practical applications;
- Understand the differences and similarities between the various perspectives of Personality, developing a comparative and critical analysis of theoretical perspectives;
- Integrate knowledge through active participation in practical activities: seminars to discuss scientific literature, application of personality assessment tools, work on the practical application of theoretical content, reflections on Personality.
social Psychology
- Know the historical evolution and development of social psychology and organizational psychology, identifying the points of contact and intervention of the social psychology of organizations;
- Know the various sciences that interact with social and organizational psychology;
- Understand the contribution that the social psychology of organizations can bring at the individual level;
- Understand the added value that social and organizational psychology can bring to organizations and society in general;
- Develop knowledge and skills that allow them to act at the level of social psychology and organizations.
Statistics III
- Provide students with an in-depth knowledge of univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics techniques, and techniques (hypothesis tests) that allow the comparison between two (or more) populations, as well as the techniques of association between variables;
- Develop skills in the selection and application of these techniques, using statistical analysis software (PSPP and SPSS);
- Understand the relevance of using Statistics in Applied Psychology.
Cognitive Psychology I
- Address the epistemology, objectives and actuality of scientific research in the area of Cognitive Psychology;
- Facilitate knowledge at the level of cognitive processes based on human behavior;
- Promote understanding of clinical assessment models of human cognitive functions;
- Contextualize the research in relation to the study of cognitive functions.
Psychopathology I
- Raise awareness of the basic concepts of general and comprehensive psychopathology, its origins, limits and relationship with psychology;
- Acquire knowledge and develop intuitive and empathic clinical observation skills to be in relationship with the patient, identifying the most significant signs and symptoms that will allow them to develop a clinical history in the future.
organizational psychology
- Know the historical evolution and development of social psychology and organizational psychology, identifying the points of contact and intervention of the social psychology of organizations;
- Know the various sciences that interact with social and organizational psychology;
- Understand the contribution that the social psychology of organizations can bring at the individual level;
- Understand the added value that social and organizational psychology can bring to organizations and society in general;
- Develop knowledge and skills that allow them to act at the level of social psychology and organizations.
– Develop knowledge and technical skills for the analysis and practice of scientific research in
– Acquire research instruments from theoretical and empirical scientific production in Psychology.
– Knowing and knowing how to use the various methods and techniques of empirical investigation, suitable for different
study objectives in Psychology.
– Knowing and knowing how to use ethical criteria in the development and dissemination of research projects
– Develop an empirical study, putting into practice the research methods and techniques acquired in the
Curricular Unit.
Cognitive Psychology II
- Understand basic human cognitive phenomena, such as reading perception, knowledge representation, decision making, intelligence in different fields;
- Understand the key themes and concepts of cognitive development, integrating human intelligence and cognitive neuroscience as a transversal basis for the various program contents;
- To know the field of Cognitive Psychology in relation to other fields of Psychology and in an applied way to the contemporary world;
- Analyze current scientific research in the area of Cognitive Psychology and use instruments to measure cognitive processes.
Psychopathology II
- Master the knowledge related to the main nosological categories, their understanding and contextualization in order to develop skills for the elaboration of a clinical history, a psychodiagnosis and respective analysis;
- To know in depth the systems of diagnosis and classification of mental disorders; to know the major psychopathological syndromes;
- Develop intuitive and empathic observation skills that allow you to enter into a relationship with the mentally ill person and collect through clinical interviews the most significant signs and symptoms to develop a clinical history.
- Acquire the basic notions related to psychological tests, their origin, construction and validation, accuracy criteria, application and quotation;
- Acquire and knowledge about some of the main psychometric tests used in the context of psychological assessment, in the various contexts of professional practice;
- Sensitize students to the importance of rigor, ethics and deontology of the psychologist in a testing situation, as well as the conditions they must meet for the proper use of tests;
- Provide the direct experience of contact with the situation of psychological testing and the main psychometric instruments used, through practical classes given in the Psychometrics Laboratory and the free use of it by the students, in extra contact sessions.
- Acquire the basic concepts of Educational Psychology and Psychopedagogy with relevance to the psychologist's practice in different educational contexts;
- Acquire the theoretical and methodological knowledge and the necessary skills to carry out, implement and evaluate psychological intervention programs and projects in a school context, in populations with specific problems or in other relevant educational contexts;
- Learn to observe and assess different contexts and needs in order to develop intervention plans and projects.
Projective Techniques
- Know the conceptual and methodological foundations of the main Projective Techniques.
- Acquire the theoretical and technical skills necessary for the use of Projective Methods
(framing, administration, quotation, interpretation). - Training for the selection of the most appropriate projective techniques according to the evaluation/intervention request and the person's characteristics.
- Acquire skills of analysis and synthesis of results (qualitative and quantitative) obtained with the application of Projective Techniques.
- Develop a critical sense in relation to the limits and potentialities of the use of Projective Techniques in the evaluation of the structure and functioning of the personality.
Help relationship
- Raise awareness and inform students about the importance of the quality of the relationship in the different interventions of the psychologist's activity;
- To present the concept of psychological help relationship, clarifying its applicability according to the different contexts, namely, clinical, pedagogical, organizational and social;
- Develop in students communication skills of comprehensive listening and feedback response appropriate to a good interpersonal understanding;
- Clarify the different types of help interview and their applicability.
- Address the historical development of Community Psychology;
- Understand the specifics of group work: history of groups, their characteristics, models of group intervention;
- Acquire skills to assess the needs of a given real community;
- Provide “field work” at the level of contact with a community and assessment of their needs, developing relational skills;
- Develop skills that allow the elaboration of a community intervention project in a systematic and realistic way, according to the needs of the evaluated community;
- Obtain skills that allow them to understand research in the area of Community Psychology, as well as acquire basic methodological knowledge.
- Deepen knowledge in the area of nervous system biology and understand the relationships with related sciences.
- Acquire the foundations of Neuropsychology through the study of the relationship between the brain and human behavior in the healthy individual;
- Acquire the foundations of Neuropsychology through the study of the relationship between the brain and human behavior in individuals with neurological disease and/or brain injury;
- Acquire the bases of Clinical Psychology and Counseling regarding Neurological Diseases.
- Creating awareness that the Psychologist is part of the neurorehabilitation team.
Language Psychology
- To make known the fundamentals of human communication through language;
- Reflect on the origins of human language;
- Know the infra-verbal and verbal dimensions of human language;
- Learning language as an emotional and cognitive function responsible for subjectivity and socialization;
- To promote interest in research in Psychology of Language.
- Provide theoretical and practical support within the scope of Clinical and Health Psychology;
- Address historical issues of Clinical and Health Psychology;
- Know and understand the intervention specificities of the main psychotherapeutic approaches with an emphasis on the humanistic perspective, clinical method and ethical principles;
- Understand the importance of psychology within health organizations;
- Knowing the role of the psychologist in intervention contexts;
- Develop skills that allow them to act as clinical and health psychologists.
Counseling and Psychotherapy
- Know the definitions of the concepts of Psychotherapy and Counseling;
- Characterize the different interventions in Psychotherapy and Psychological Counseling;
- Raise awareness of the differences in this type of interventions and their respective settings;
- Address some of the intervention models in psychotherapy and counseling;
- Raise awareness of the need for specific training based on the theoretical models adopted.
- Obtain basic knowledge about Psychological Consultation, as a relational framework that enables the formulation of Psychodiagnoses, with a view to clinical guidance;
- Acquire theoretical and technical skills in Projective Methodology;
- Develop observation and interview techniques in the provisional formulation of the diagnosis and in the analysis and synthesis of the results obtained by the Projective Techniques;
- Knowing how to choose the appropriate Projective Techniques for the people being evaluated, whether children or adults;
- Acquire skills for clinical practice with Projective Techniques in children and adults;
- Train for the use of Projective Techniques in the Psychodiagnostic Model of Paradigmatic Clinical Cases.
work psychology
Ethics and deontology
- Understand the interaction of psychological and social factors in the process of human development, throughout the life cycle;
- Establish the link between the theoretical content of the psychosocial development of individuals and the reality of organizations and social institutions such as the family, school, companies, hospitals and other social support organizations;
- Understand the various facets of the role that the psychologist plays in the organizations where he works, in supporting specific groups of individuals, throughout the life cycle.