7 Oct 2019 - 18:30

Conference "Criminal Law in Debate" | 7 October | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

On October 7, 2019, Professors from Portugal and Brazil will discuss current topics in Criminal Law: political crime, passive corruption and (self)laundering and the relaxation of the principle of criminal legality This debate falls within the scope of of the Specialization Course in Criminal Law, promoted by the Autonomous Academy, where they have been...

24 Jul 2019 - 14:30

Conference "Culture of Peace and Post-Colonialism" | 24 july

MONIQUE FALCÃO Doctor in Law, Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute, and Lecturer at Universidade Santa Úrsula ALEX SANDER PIRES Doctor in Legal and Social Sciences, Researcher at the Research Center Ratio Legis/UAL, and Lecturer at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa In a world under reconstruction political, economic, social and legal, there is an urgent need for a broad debate...

16 Jul 2019 - 09:00

L CICA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Conflict and Political Psychology" | 16th and 17th of July

On behalf of CICA INTERNATIONAL, it is our great pleasure to announce and invite you to participate to the 50th CICA International Conferences on Security, with the theme “Conflict and Political Psychology”, taking place at Lisbon, Portugal (July 16-17, 2019) ) CICA conferences provide an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scientists, diplomats, militia, policy makers and people from...

11 Jul 2019 - 18:00

Professor Luís Moita's Last Lesson | 11 July | 6 pm

Next Thursday, July 11, at 6:00 pm, the “Last Lesson” by Professor Doutor Luís Moita will take place at Autónoma, entitled “About the concept of relationship” Currently Director of the Department of International Relations and member of the Board Scientist at UAL is responsible for the OBSERVARE research unit (Observatory of...

10 Jul 2019 - 14:00

Conference "Compliance: Perspectives and New Dynamics" | 10th of July | 2:30 pm | Room 56

Presentation and Moderation Prof Dr Pedro Trovão do Rosário “The Age of Compliance in the 21st Century” Prof Dr Cláudio Carneiro “Corporate Compliance and legal security, there is a new right” Prof Dr Teresa Posada “Compliance as an instrument for strengthening culture of peace" Professor Alex Sander Pires "Antitrust compliance" Professor Doctor...

17 Jun 2019 - 13:00

The Emergence of a New Eurasia: The Competitive Role of the European Union and Russia | June 17th | 1:30 pm | Room 22

Speaker: Sandra Fernandes Universidade do Minho / CICP Moderation: Ana Isabel Xavier OBSERVARE-UAL Synopsis: The current Eurasian space is being redefined, with new international orders emerging guided by different normative agendas, namely the European Union and Russia We define “order” as a normative system that establishes political and economic reference rules for evaluating...