28 May 2020 - 18:30

Conference "Psychobiological Model of Attachment in Labor Pain" | 28 May | 18:30 | ONLINE

The following aspects will be addressed at the conference: Introductory note Structural Psychosomatics The Human Birth Evolutionary aspects in the transition from prehuman to human birth Bipedism, brain growth, neoteny and rhythms Attachment Attachment and biological responses to stress Attachment and programming epigenetics (psycho-biological) Research – the attachment and rhythms of...

21 May 2020 - 18:30

Conference "Parental Intervention in Divorce Context" | 21 May | 18:30 | ONLINE

21 May, 2020 - articles events

Click here to attend the conference Speaker Doctor Eva Delgado Martins Conflict Resolution Mediator, formed by the Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR) at Columbia University, New York Author of two books: “Casa de Pais… Escola de Filhos”, Edições Horizonte , and “Conversas com Pais”, Edições Caminho, and a weekly chronicle in Revista Notícias...

14 May 2020 - 18:30

Conference "FOODLIT-PRO: Development and Implementation of a National Project on Food Literacy" | 14 May | 18:30 | ONLINE

The FOODLIT-PRO: Food Literacy Project is a national project financed by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, which aims to explore the “food literacy” construct in Portugal. the FOODLIT-PRO comprises (i) a qualitative study with national experts (published internationally),...

13 May 2020 - 14:00

Cycle of Conferences and Open Classes "China and Asia-Pacific" | 6 and 13 May | ONLINE

In a context of increasing centrality of Asia-Pacific in world geopolitics and geoeconomy and of China's affirmation as a new superpower, the OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Relations of UAL, in partnership with the National Defense Institute (IDN), invites you to participate in the cycle of conferences and open classes “China and Asia-Pacific”, coordinated by Prof Dr Luis Tomé...

7 May 2020 - 18:30

Conference "Experiential Groups: History, Constitution and Facilitation" | 7 May | 18:30 | ONLINE

The conference describes and analyzes the emergence and development of group psychotherapy, discussing the constitution of experiential groups and their process of facilitating cooperation, one of the main qualities of this type of group, according to the gestalt-therapy perspective. evolution of group practices to the development of the gestalt group or...

30 Apr 2020 - 18:30

"Art Therapy" Conference | 30 April | 18:30 | ONLINE

The conference will have the following structure: Presentation Dynamics What is Art Therapy/Psychotherapy Advantages and Applications The Portuguese Model Closing Dynamics Debate The conference has the following objectives: Define Art Therapy/Psychotherapy Distinguish Art Therapy/Psychotherapy from the rest interventions Identify the importance and particularities of the use of arts in Therapy Enumerate the artistic mediators in Art Therapy/Psychotherapy...

27 Apr 2020 - 15:30

EBSCO Training | 27 and 29 April | ONLINE

22 April, 2020 - articles events

The Library of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa promotes the training action – Basic and advanced research in the EBSCO Discovery Service: a contribution to the highest quality of teaching and research excellence – to be carried out by EBSCO, with the aim of deepening knowledge about EBSCO Discovery Service and promote the development of research skills,...

29 Jan 2020 - 14:00

IV Luso-Brazilian Congress on Comparative Constitutional Law | 29 January | 2 pm | Auditorium 1

The IV Luso-Brazilian Congress of Comparative Constitutional Law will have, alongside it, the launch of the work 'Portuguese and Brazilian constitutional law in the scope of social pacification', following the work of the Luso-Brazilian congresses of comparative constitutional law and the work 'Portuguese and Brazilian constitutional law in contemporary times', published in 2018 Congresses and books are...

20 Jan 2020 - 19:00

Conference "Strategic Management Analysis of the Insurance Sector" | 20 January | 7pm | Room 10

Within the scope of the Strategic Management Curricular Unit, of the Degree in Management, we received the CEO of Mapfre Assistence Portugal to talk to us about the analysis of the insurance sector in Portugal Speaker Arturo Diego | CEO of MAPFRE Asistencia Portugal Moderator Joaquín Quirós | Professor at the Autonomous Department of Economic and Business Sciences...