This colloquium takes place within the framework of the commemorations of the bicentennial of the independence of Brazil and aims to promote a debate guided by broader geographical and chronological references, as it seeks to cover the historical relations between the Ibero-American countries in the context of independence until the current 9h Program | Session of...


The cycle of open classes is part of the Advanced Course of Studies on Latin America that the Department of International Relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL) and the Institute of National Defense (IDN) promote, in partnership Bringing together a renowned group of specialists, this The course has as OBJECTIVES, among others: a) To know and understand the...

Colloquium: Factory Heritage and Urban Requalification | 20 and 21 May | 10.00 | (Online)

As part of the Commemorations of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfredo da Silva, the Center for Studies in Business History and the Department of History, Arts and Humanities of the Autonomous University of Lisbon promote the colloquium Factory Heritage and Urban Requalification, in partnership with the Amélia Foundation de Mello Date: 20 and 21 of...

Seminar: External statistics and the International Economy | 21 April | 13.30 and 20.30 | online

The globalized world in which we live intensifies exchanges between countries It is not only the exchange of goods and services that takes place… many others are present in our daily lives All these movements must be registered In this seminar the form of registration will be presented of all international transactions Coordination and moderation: João...

Digital Society Challenges for Democracy | 13 April | 18.30 | online

8 April, 2021 - conferences events

“Like all human experience, the digital society presents ambivalent characteristics On the side of risks, which order surveillance and control, new opportunities for growth arise, deserving to be explored and valued Many are the challenges that open up and that must be embraced The phenomenon digital has also reached very high levels of diffusion, with a persistent advance...

Health Crisis Solutions - Identify, Manage and Care | 8 April | 18.30 | online

6 April, 2021 - conferences events

Presentation of the 12th edition of the Angelini University Award! 2020/2020, with the motto “Health crisis solutions – identify, manage and care for” The Angelini University Award! is an initiative promoted by Angelini Pharma aimed at higher education students attending a degree, postgraduate or master's degree, with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship among this public...

International Conference "Europe as a Global Actor" | 8 to 10 May

The Center for International Studies at ISCTE-IUL (CEI-IUL), in partnership with Observare/UAL and TSF, is organizing the fourth edition of the International Conference “Europe as a global actor”, on May 8, 9, & 10, 2019 In a year marked by European Parliament elections, the volatility of the growing Eurosceptic movements throughout Europe alongside the uncertainties of the Brexit...