The Emergence of a New Eurasia: The Competitive Role of the European Union and Russia | June 17th | 1:30 pm | Room 22

Speaker: Sandra Fernandes Universidade do Minho / CICP Moderation: Ana Isabel Xavier OBSERVARE-UAL Synopsis: The current Eurasian space is being redefined, with new international orders emerging guided by different normative agendas, namely the European Union and Russia We define “order” as a normative system that establishes political and economic reference rules for evaluating...

Conference "Hydrological Planning and the Albufeira Convention" | 5 June | 20h | Auditorium 1

The Albufeira Convention of November 30, 1998 defines the framework for cooperation for the protection of surface and groundwater and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems directly dependent on the sustainable use of water resources in the Spanish-Portuguese hydrographic basins of the Minho, Lima, Douro, Tagus and Guadiana, in accordance with the principles...

Launch of the Book "Study of the Portuguese Diplomatic Structure" | 5 June | 7 pm

In 2017, the OBSERVARE (Observatory of Foreign Affairs), a research unit of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) decided to carry out a Study on the Portuguese Diplomatic Structure, including aspects related to procedures Multiple written sources were identified, researched and analyzed, including digital, Portuguese and foreigners The testimony and opinion of personalities of indisputable experience were collected...

Conference "Compliance: Perspectives and New Dynamics" | 10th of July | 2:30 pm | Room 56

Presentation and Moderation Prof Dr Pedro Trovão do Rosário “The Age of Compliance in the 21st Century” Prof Dr Cláudio Carneiro “Corporate Compliance and legal security, there is a new right” Prof Dr Teresa Posada “Compliance as an instrument for strengthening culture of peace" Professor Alex Sander Pires "Antitrust compliance" Professor Doctor...

L CICA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Conflict and Political Psychology" | 16th and 17th of July

On behalf of CICA INTERNATIONAL, it is our great pleasure to announce and invite you to participate to the 50th CICA International Conferences on Security, with the theme “Conflict and Political Psychology”, taking place at Lisbon, Portugal (July 16-17, 2019) ) CICA conferences provide an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scientists, diplomats, militia, policy makers and people from...