Conference "Importance of Circadian Rhythmicity for Psychology Research and Practice" | 17 October | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

The most prominent circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle and today we know the importance of its regularity for the physical and mental health of humans In various situations, such as shift work, meridian flights, irregular sleep, etc., we have cognitive impairments and disturbances. metabolic processes In a special phase of our life, adolescence, a...

Conference “How we prepare for an unpredictable future” | 17 October | 11:30 am | Auditorium 1

We live in a time when change is increasingly the rule and not the norm We are going through a period of transformation at a global level, with particular emphasis on the speed of change Growing and thriving in a constantly changing world requires innovation, proactivity and agility in attitudes and options The values and ways of...

Launch of the book "Sports Management - Understanding to Manage" | 17 October | 10 am | Auditorium 1

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa intends to make official, before the academic community, the presentation of the book Gestão do Desporto – Compreender para Gerir This book is an important milestone for the management of sports organizations in which academics, students and professionals will be better able to manage and act in the face of organizational complexity It will be recommended literature...

Autonomous enters into protocol with Xi'an University

10 October, 2019 - articles News

The Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, the founding entity of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, signed on the 3rd of October, through the hand of its President and its Administrator, a cooperation protocol with the University of Xi'an, with the aim of promoting the contact between the two institutions in an exchange of academic content A Comitiva...

African afternoon | 18 October | 3pm | Auditorium 1

8 October, 2019 - articles events

Program 11h00 | Book exhibitions 2:30 pm | Informative exhibition on postgraduate courses 14:35 | Reception of guests and delivery of raffles for the Scholarship draw 15:00 | Start of activities 3:10 pm | Cultural moment 3:20 pm | Intervention by the Rector of the Autonomous University of Lisbon, the Honorable Professor José Amado da Silva 15:30...

Autonomous at the Catholic University Dom Bosco, Brazil

3 October, 2019 - articles News

Hélder Prior, assistant professor at the Autonomous Department of Communication, gave a lecture on October 1 to students of the Journalism and Publicity and Propaganda courses at the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), in Brazil The main theme of the lecture was “Media and populism in the 2018 elections” Hélder presented studies that show...