Conference "Technological Evolution of Connectivity in Autonomous Vehicles in the European Union" | 17 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

Recent traffic accidents involving autonomous vehicles are of great concern regarding the safety and reliability of autonomous driving 95% accidents occurring on European Union (EU) roads are caused by human error, where thousands of people lose their lives every year Most of the Autonomous vehicles, currently under development, have systems for...

Open Class "The Press Office and Social Networks in Political Communication" | 9 December | 7pm | Auditorium 1

The digital revolution forced politics to adapt to the current communication reality Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube have become essential tools for press offices and are used by politicians in a perspective of approaching citizens To the “army” of professionals hired in the field of politics with the objective of intervening in the process of mediatization of the message,...

Conference "Influence of psychosocial aspects on motherhood during adolescence" | 5 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 1

The conference aims to contextualize psychosocial variables related to motherhood during adolescence Results of a longitudinal investigation with adolescents in psychosocial vulnerability will be presented and theoretical-methodological aspects related to the theme will also be discussed Speaker Eva Diniz Degree in Psychology (clinical area) , ISPA in 2006 Masters (2010) and PhD (2014)...

New myAUTONOMA app

27 November, 2019 - articles News

The “my Autónoma” App is your personal online area, available for smartphones or tablets, where you can access -with complete security- a set of features and personalized information about your academic life, at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Autonomous” you can consult, anywhere and anytime, your data...

Conference "Negotiation Behavior and Styles in the Organizational Field" | 28 November | 7pm | Auditorium 1

There are reports of exchanges of goods 5000 BC It was only in the middle of the last century that the commercialization of goods and services began to be studied in a serious and profound way. At the end of the last century, the concept of relational marketing was born, which is based on the creation of relationships of trust between the seller and the buyer...

Open Class by Professors Arlindo Alegre Donário and Ricardo Borges dos Santos | 5 December | 18:30 | Auditorium 2

Launch of the 2nd revised and expanded edition of the book “Economia – Com Destaque para a Microeconomia A critical vision” «This book, being the result of the maturation and discussion of several years, gave us the opportunity to change the emphases and interpretations that we had for acquired, remembering that scientific knowledge is provisional, always changing, because...

Protocol between Autonoma and Instituto Cervantes

19 November, 2019 - articles News

The Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, founding entity of the Autonomous University of Lisbon, signed today, November 19, through the hand of its President and its Administrator, a bilateral cooperation protocol with Instituto Cervantes, the official institution of world reference for the teaching Spanish In addition to courses, Instituto Cervantes develops...

Open Class "Investigative Journalism and Political Scandal" | 22 November | 7pm | Room 39

Watergate (1974, USA) – The investigation of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein eventually led to the resignation of American President Richard Nixon The case is widely known and the “political scandal” is, today, an object of study and observation by the of journalists and academics It is within the framework of this reflection that this...