Conference "Art-Therapy at the Police Station: creating bridges between Youth and PSP Agents" | 26 November | 18:30 | online

The Gira no Bairro Project – A Police Station Open to the Community, was born from the union of Mundos de Papel Association and the Public Security Police – Oeiras Division and started in June 2019 The project is innovative and pioneering in Portugal, it takes place within a PSP Police Station in Caxias – Oeiras...

Conference "Impacts of Technological Innovation on Project Management" | 14 January | 18:30 | ONLINE

The great changes caused by the digital transformation during the 4th Industrial Revolution are happening at a very intense pace The technological innovation resulting from this movement also impacts on Project Management, which is adapting to a new reality, in which Project Managers Projects must have a profile that allows associating...

Conference "Third generation cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies in contemporary practice" | 19 November | 18:30 | ONLINE

16 November, 2020 - articles events

In this lecture, participants will learn about the historical context of 3rd generation CBT's The main approaches explored will be: mindfulness-based interventions (MBI), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion focused therapy (CFT), and dialectical behavior therapy ( DBT) Access the conference Speaker Ricardo João Teixeira Clinical and health psychologist Psychotherapist...

Conference "Roles of the psychologist as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team of palliative care" | 5 November | 18:30 | ONLINE

The contribution of psychologists in end-of-life care can occur throughout the disease trajectory, namely starting before the disease, after diagnosis, at the beginning of treatments, during advanced disease, the death process, and after death. of the patient, with grieving survivors Click here to attend the conference A...

CEU bets on the Health Area

23 October, 2020 - articles News

On October 21, CEU – Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, CRL signed the transfer agreement with the União das Misericórdias Portuguesas, from the S Francisco das Misericórdias Nursing School. CRL The School of Nursing S Francisco das...

Conference "Be a Mom, an online psychological intervention program to prevent postpartum depression: From its development to some results" | 29 October | 18:30 | ONLINE

In this conference, we will start by briefly addressing the topic of Postpartum Depression, including its characterization, prevalence and impact on the family system. In a second part, we will present the Be a Mom program, a program that was developed with the aim of promoting maternal mental health and preventing postpartum depression The...

Inaugural Session of the Doctorate in International Relations, 2020-2021 | 6 November | 18:30 | ONLINE

The Magnificent Rector of UAL and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CEU invite to the inaugural session of the 2020-2021 edition of the Doctorate in International Relations: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics Guest speakers are Prof. Rafael Calduch Cervera (U Complutense de Madrid) and the Prof Doctor Carlos Gaspar (UAL), discussing “The ongoing transformations...