Tania Ferraro Silva
She is currently a professor and researcher at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) and is carrying out a Post-Doctorate in Organizational, Work and Human Resources Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of ...
Tania Zaragoza
Telma Ruas
He attended the French Lyceum Charles Lepierre in Lisbon (from Pre-primary to the end of Complementary Education) He graduated in History at UAL in 1987 He obtained a Master's degree in Cultural and Political History from the Universidad...
Telmo Cruz
Telmo Pereira
Graduated in History-Archaeology (2001) at the University of Lisbon, postgraduate in Theory and Methods of Archeology (2005) and PhD in Prehistoric Archeology (2010) at the University of Algarve Obtained several b...
Tito Laneiro
PhD in Psychology, Master in Counseling and Degree in Social and Organizational Psychology. He is an Associate Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at the University...
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