Currently, she is a professor and researcher at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) and is carrying out a Post-Doctorate in Organizational, Work and Human Resources Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCE) of the University of Coimbra (UC).
PhD in Organizational, Work and Human Resources Psychology from FPCEUC. Research topic: Decent work, work motivation and psychological capital in knowledge workers.
Master in Organizational, Work and Human Resources Psychology from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Bologna (Italy).
Specialist in Organization Management, from the State University of West Paraná (UNIOESTE).
Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with a degree in Psychology, Bachelor's and Licentiate.
Professional experience in the area of Psychology of Organizations, Work and Human Resources (HR consultancy; emphasis on training and development).
Previously, assistant professor invited by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCTUC), Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM), to teach 'Introduction to Management'; and at the Faculty of Economics (FEUC), teaching 'Organizational Behavior', both at the University of COimbra (2nd semester of the 2017/2018 academic year). Invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, in the Integrated Master in Psychology (MIP), in the curricular unit of 'Intervention in Work Psychology' (2nd semester of the academic year 2015/2016); university assistant professor of the Psychology course at the Catholic University of Petrópolis (UCP, RJ); university assistant professor of Administration, Nursing, Tourism, Hospitality, Literature and Pedagogy courses at the State University of Western Paraná; in the postgraduate courses at the UDC College (Dynamic Union of Cataratas, Foz do Iguaçu, PR); and in the professional courses offered by Microlins and SENAC.
Distance tutor: FGV Online and Laboratory of New Teaching Technologies (LANTE)/UFF.