
June 26, 2023 -

Opportunities to volunteer at UAL...

Know +

June 26, 2023 -

Suggested reading Migrants and Volunteering (2011), org Henrique Pinto, thematic issue of Revista Migrações Volunteering manual with people with intellectual disabilities (2018), Fundación Telefónica y A La Par La gran carpa: corporate volunteering in the global era (2014) , Kenn Allen The Volunteer Traveler's Handbook (2012), Shannon O'Donnell Sites Volunteering: active and supportive citizenship, CASES, Cooperativa António...


June 26, 2023 -

NATIONAL LEGISLATION ON VOLUNTEERING Law No. 71/98, of November 3rd – Bases of the legal framework for volunteering Decree-Law No. 389/99, of September 30th – Regulates Law No. 71/98, of November 3rd, which established the bases of the legal framework for volunteering Resolution of the Council of Ministers nº 50 (2nd series), of...


June 26, 2023 -

Who can be a volunteer All students from any cycle at UAL Where and how can I register Filling out the form available in the Contacts tab How do I become a volunteer in practice After registration, the volunteer will be contacted and will receive training and directions appropriate I have direct benefits from participating in...

Framework Principles for Volunteering at the Autonomous University of Lisbon

June 26, 2023 -

Considering: The social, cultural and human value of volunteering; The mission that the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL) has been developing for more than two decades; The existence of a national legal framework for the bases of volunteering (Law No. 71/98, of November 3, regulated by Decree-Law No. 389/99, of September 30); The provisions of RJIES,...

Statute of the Volunteer Student of the Autonomous University of Lisbon

June 26, 2023 -

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) recognizes student volunteers as active peace agents, as “Volunteering is an activity inherent to the exercise of citizenship that translates into a supportive relationship with others, participating, in a free and organized, in solving problems that affect society in general” (decree-law no....

Volunteer Guide

June 26, 2023 -

Volunteers have always been present in societies over time and their action has taken on various expressions, predominantly of a charitable nature, carried out in an isolated and sporadic manner and dictated most of the time, for family reasons, friendship and good neighborliness For years his action was understood as a way of bridging...