Sport and Major Sporting Events as Power Games in International Politics

Candidate: Rui Manuel Álvaro Marta

Type: Thesis defense

Local: Autonomous University of Lisbon, Rua de Santa Marta, n.º 56, Auditorium n.º1

Date and time: 27 Jun 2024 at 15:00

Trial Juries

President: Professor José Amado da Silva (Magnificent Rector of the Autonomous University of Lisbon).
Professor Raquel Vaz-Pinto (Guest Associate Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa), as first arguer;
Professor Doctor Marcelo Moriconi (Guest Assistant Professor at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), as second arguer;
Professor Vera Marisa Dias Pedragosa (Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon), as member;
Professor Doctor Luís Manuel André Elias (Integrated Researcher at ICPOL – Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security), as member;
Professor Sandra Maria Rodrigues Balão (Associate Professor at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon), as member;
Professor Doctor Luís José Leitão Tomé (Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon), as advisor;
Professor Doctor José Manuel Louzada Lopes Subtil (Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon), as a substitute member, who replaces the President in his absence or impediment.

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