The Anti-Corruption Principle in the Judicial Process as a Guarantee of the Human Right to Access to Justice


Type: Thesis defense

Local: Autonomous University of Lisbon, Rua de Santa Marta, n.º 56, Auditorium 1

Date and time: 27 Feb 2025 at 15:00

Trial Juries

President: Professor Doctor José Amado da Silva (UAL).

Professor Maria João Simões Escudeiro (Lisbon Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration), as first examiner;

Professor Doctor Margarida Maria de Oliveira Santos (University of Minho), as second examiner;

Professor Doctor Ana Rita da Silva Samelo Alfaiate (Portucalense University), as a member;

Professor Manuel Monteiro Guedes Valente (UAL), as a member;

Professor Doctor Pedro Gonçalo Tavares Trovão do Rosário (UAL), as a member;

Professor Jónatas Eduardo Mendes Machado (UAL) as the candidate's supervisor;

Professor Doctor Armindo Saraiva Matias (UAL), as an alternate member, who replaces the President in his absence or impediment.

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