Exercise Capacity of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Legal Institutes for Protection and Support in the Portuguese and Brazilian Ordinances and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Candidate: Daniel Henrique Silva Miranda

Type: Dissertation defense

Local: Autonomous University of Lisbon, Rua de Santa Marta, no. 56, Room no. 15

Date and time: 16 Feb 2024 at 11:00

Trial Juries

President: Professor Manuel Monteiro Guedes Valente (UAL).
Professor António Alfredo Mendes (UAL), as Dissertation Defender;
Professor Carlos Carranho Proença (UAL), as the candidate's advisor;
Professor Doctor Arlindo Alegre Donário (UAL), as an Alternate Member who replaces the President in his absence or impediment.

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