29 Oct 2020 - 18:30

Conference "Be a Mom, an online psychological intervention program to prevent postpartum depression: From its development to some results" | 29 October | 18:30 | ONLINE

In this conference, we will start by briefly addressing the topic of Postpartum Depression, including its characterization, prevalence and impact on the family system. In a second part, we will present the Be a Mom program, a program that was developed with the aim of promoting maternal mental health and preventing postpartum depression The...

23 Sep 2020 - 09:30

7th International Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society | IEPAS 2020

18 September, 2020 - events

The 7th International Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society (IEPAS 2020), co-organized by CESRAN International and OBSERVARE-UAL in partnership with CEI-ISCTE/IUL, will take place on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of September entirely online through Zoom platform Check the program here You can access more information about the event on the official website You can participate for free through...

7 Jul 2020 - 18:30

Cycle of Conferences and Open Classes "Sub-Saharan Africa" | 12 May and 7 July | CANCELED

The cycle of open classes is part of the Advanced Course of Studies on Sub-Saharan Africa that the Department of International Relations of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL) and the Institute of National Defense (IDN) promote, in partnership. this course aims, among others, to: a) Know and understand the specificities of Sub-Saharan Africa; B)...

7 Jul 2020 - 18:30

Conference "Project Management and Digital Transformation" | 7 July | 18:30 | ONLINE

Digital transformation is advancing rapidly with an impact on the Economy, Management, Environment and Society, highlighting examples such as the Internet of the Things, the implementation of 5G technology, the use of artificial intelligence and Robotics In recent decades, Project Management has been evolving in the concern of ensuring the...

1 Jul 2020 - 12:00

Cycle of Online Conferences and Open Classes "China and Asia-Pacific" | 1 July | ONLINE

In a context of increasing centrality of Asia-Pacific in world geopolitics and geoeconomy and of China's affirmation as a new superpower, the OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Relations of UAL, in partnership with the National Defense Institute (IDN), invites you to participate in the cycle of conferences and online open classes "China and Asia-Pacific", coordinated by Prof Dr Luis Tomé...

24 Jun 2020 - 12:00

Cycle of Online Conferences and Open Classes "China and Asia-Pacific" | 24 June | ONLINE

In a context of increasing centrality of Asia-Pacific in world geopolitics and geoeconomy and of China's affirmation as a new superpower, the OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Relations of UAL, in partnership with the National Defense Institute (IDN), invites you to participate in the cycle of conferences and open classes “China and Asia-Pacific”, coordinated by Prof Doutor Luis Tomé and...

23 Jun 2020 - 14:00

Webinar - 2nd Conference "External Dimension of Homeland Security" | 23 June | 2 pm | ONLINE

In a context of profound changes in the fields of security and increasing erosion of the traditional borders of the internal and external dimensions of security, the OBSERVARE-Observatory of External Relations of UAL and the Research Center of the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI) from PSP, co-organize the 2nd conference on “External Dimension of...