Open Class with Filipe Domingues and Pedro Latoeiro

8 April, 2022 - articles News

On the 7th of April, at 6:30 pm, Filipe Domingues and Pedro Latoeiro presented their book “O Mundo Não Tem de Ser Assim – Biografia de António Guterres” in the open class of the Master in International Relations, analyzing the role of current UN Secretary-General on the fractures that mark relations...

Lecture | The Portuguese Bar Association

7 April, 2022 - articles News

On the 6th of April, in Auditorium 2 of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, the lecture “The Portuguese Bar Association – Access and Practice of the Legal Profession of Lawyer” was held, with the presence of Dr João Massano, President of the Regional Council of Lisbon of the Bar Association, by Dr Ana Alface, President of the...

Book launch: Elite Coach: Who are you?

5 April, 2022 - News

The Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa was pleased to announce the launch of the book by Jerry Silva, lawyer and specialist in sports training, “Elite Coach: Who are you, on April 4, 2022, at 11 am in auditorium 1 Contou with the presentation of Prof. Doutora Vera Pedragosa, scientific coordinator of...


18 March, 2022 - articles News

Professor Kang Youn Ok, linked to the Eurasia Foundation, visited the Autonomous University of Lisbon on February 16, 2022 (Wednesday), to learn about the work of UAL, particularly in the area of Oriental/Asian Studies...


21 October, 2021 - articles News

GoGenius is the first and only App for teaching European Portuguese, for speakers of these nine languages: Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, English, French, Spanish, Mandarin and German All these natives, who are at levels A1 and A2 of proficiency in Portuguese and who want to reach levels B1 and B2, can learn the Portuguese language...

CEU bets on the Health Area

23 October, 2020 - articles News

On October 21, CEU – Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, CRL signed the transfer agreement with the União das Misericórdias Portuguesas, from the S Francisco das Misericórdias Nursing School. CRL The School of Nursing S Francisco das...

Autonomous and Judicial Court of the District of Lisbon sign protocol

11 February, 2020 - articles News

The Cooperativa de Ensino Universitário, the founding entity of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, signed on February 11, through its President, Doctor António de Lencastre Bernardo, and its Administrator, Doctor Reginaldo Rodrigues de Almeida, a cooperation protocol with the Judicial Court of the District of Lisbon, represented by the Judge President, Judge...