Urban Leasing Days

30 Jun 2023 - 10:00 am

Novotel – Setubal




Lurdes Évora (President CRE OA)

Cláudia Colaço (President of Setúbal OA)


10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Leasing – the announced legislative changes

Dr. Márcia Passos


coffee break


The most recent and controversial jurisprudence on leasing

Dr. Albertina Pedroso (Disseminating Judge)


Expiration of the lease due to the death of the lessee under the current regime and the transitional regime

doctor Antonio Marques Batista


Moderators: Dr. Lourdes Evora; Dr. Claudia Colaço




2:30 pm – 6:00 pm

The changes proposed in the Mais Habitação package

Prof. Doctor Luis Menezes Leitão


Term of contracts and their renewals

doctor martins butter


coffee break


Communication between the parties regarding leasing

doctor Carlos Nabais


Practical overview of evictions

doctor João Basilio


Moderators: Dr. Cristina de Sousa, Prof. Doctor Pedro Trovão do Rosário


To sign up click here.