Associate Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, teaching since 2002 in the Degree in Psychology and in the Master in Clinical and Counseling Psychology.
PhD in Health Psychology from the University of Algarve (2011). Degree in Psychology from the Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (2001). Postgraduate in Masters in Counseling.
Deputy Director of the Department of Psychology. Member of the Scientific Council of the Autonomous University of Lisbon.
In terms of research, she is Director and member of the Center for Research in Psychology –CIP/UAL. Her research activity has focused, above all, on family problems, namely on individual and family adaptation to stressful and potentially traumatic events. She is co-editor of Psique magazine (CIP-UAL).
Collaborates, at the teaching level, in the Post-Graduation in Palliative Care (Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. Francisco das Misericórdias/ UAL).
He is an effective member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and in Psychotherapy. Represents the Department of Psychology at UAL in the National Forum of Psychology. She is an internship supervisor (Junior Professional Year).
She is vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Psychotherapy Centered on the Person and Counseling – APPCPC, also performing co-ordination functions and trainer of training in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Psychotherapist, her experience as a psychologist includes psychological consultation and psychotherapeutic intervention with children and adults.