Associate Professor at UAL
Doctorate in Law (Constitutional Law – Political Law), he began teaching in higher education in September 1991, initially as a Law Degree, today and since 2008 with a Scientific Doctorate in Law (PhD) from UNED – Madrid. He has been a university professor since 1991, always in the field of Law. Thus, he has taught and teaches in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral courses at Portuguese, Spanish and Brazilian Universities, as well as at the Bar Association and at higher education institutions in postgraduate and MBA programs.
He is the Supervisor of Doctoral Theses and Master's Dissertations, having participated as a Member (Chairman, Arguente or Member) in several Juries of Master's and Doctoral Degrees in Law, in European Universities. He has several publications in the field of Law, in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.
He is currently Associate Professor and Director of the Law Department at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, President of the ECII – Ethical & Compliance International Institute. He was Vice-President of Fundación Universitária Internacional, based in Madrid.
It's Doctor Honoris Causa by ULAC – Latin American and Caribbean University, based in Caracas – Venezuela; Honorary Member of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers – IAB; International Member of the Commission on the Right to Education at the Rio de Janeiro Section of the Brazilian Bar Association and Emeritus Member of the Comparative Law Studies Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association (Rio de Janeiro – 57th subsection).
Researcher registered at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) since January 25, 2010, having been Director of the “Ratio Legis”- Research and Development Center in Legal Sciences at UAL until 2015.
He has been a lawyer in uninterrupted practice since 1993 (started his internship at the Portuguese Bar Association in 1991) today at “Trovão do Rosário & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL”