He holds a degree in Economics from Nova SBE, former Faculty of Economics of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FEUNL) since 1991. He obtained a Master's in Operations Research and Systems Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (1997). In 2010 he obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Business Management and Marketing Management from the University of Seville, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences.
In 2016, he received a PhD in Business Management and Marketing Management from the University of Seville, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, and his doctoral work was financed by a Scientific Training Scholarship Aiming at the Requalification of Graduates with Solid Teaching Experience Previous in Higher Education, granted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
Previously, he held teaching positions (Assistant) in the Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico (DEG-IST), University of Lisbon, between 1992 and 2006.
He is an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa “Luís de Camões” (UAL), in the Department of Economic and Business Sciences since March 1, 2017, having taught the subjects of Economic and Business Calculus (CEE) in the first year of the Degrees in Management and in Management Informatics, and Operational Research for the third year of the Degree in Management.
He currently carries out scientific research in areas related to Marketing, Microeconomics, the Study of Consumer Behavior, Market Analysis, the Irrationality of Economic Agents, Behavior and Vertical and Horizontal Relationships between Companies. .