Doctor in Law Justice and Citizenship in the 20th century. XXI, in the scientific area of Law, by the University of Coimbra, with the thesis on The Court of Auditors and Good Governance: contribution to a reform of external financial control in Portugal, which was awarded by the Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiales de Contas. (2013) and by the Court of Auditors of the European Union (2015).
Graduated (1999) and Master (2003) in Law from the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
Professor of Public Finance at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, where he has also taught courses in Constitutional Law, where he was Assistant to Doctor JJ Gomes Canotilho, and in Political Economy, Economic Law and Administrative Law.
Professor of Tax Law at the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa, where he also serves as deputy director of the Masters in Taxation.
Jurist at the Portuguese Court of Auditors, where he works as a consultant in the legal, economic and financial fields, and provides technical support to international relations.
Arbitrator in tax legal matters.
Author of several books and scientific articles in the fields of constitutional law and financial and tax law.
Director and Scientific Coordinator of the Research and Development Center in Legal Sciences of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa – Ratio Legis.
Associate Researcher at the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae – Center for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Member of the Portuguese Tax Association and the International Fiscal Association.