Nuno Severiano Teixeira is a Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL)-Department of International Relations and a researcher at OBSERVARE-Observatory of Foreign Relations of the same University. President of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He was Visiting Professor at Georgetown University (2017/2019 and 2000) and Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (2004) and Senior Visiting Scholar at the European University Institute, Florence (2010). He has published works on military history, the history of international relations, the history of the European construction and issues of foreign policy, security and defence. He was Director of the National Defence Institute (1996/2000). He was Vice-Rector of NOVA University of Lisbon (2014/2017). He served as Minister of Internal Affairs (2000/2002) and Minister of Defence (2006/2009) of the Portuguese government.