Born in Lisbon in 1956, where he has lived and worked.
He has been linked to university teaching at UAL since 2001 and is currently an associate professor.
He has participated in the postgraduate teaching of neurosurgery at hospital level.
Neurosurgeon worked at Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central, being the coordinator of the functional neurosurgery team dedicated to movement disorders and chronic pain surgery. He is part of the multidisciplinary pain consultation team.
PhD in health psychology from the University of Algarve, having investigated the influence of spirituality, coping and values in patients with low back pain.
Master in health services management from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon, having worked on the importance of palliative care in patients with high-grade cerebral gliomas.
Specialist in neurosurgery by the Order of Doctors, also having the European examination of neurosurgery done in Brussels.
Competencies in pain treatment and management of health services attributed by the Portuguese Medical Association.
Hypnotherapist diploma awarded by the London College of Clinical Hypnosys in Portugal.
Courses on clinical and public health of tropical diseases at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine