Elísio Macamo is Full Professor of Sociology and African Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
He graduated in Mozambique, England and Germany, where he received his doctorate and his aggregation in general sociology and sociology of development.
He was a postdoctoral fellow at the FCT, a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Berlin and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Stellenbosch, a member of the scientific committee of CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Research in Social Sciences in Africa), a founding member of the Doctoral School of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth (Germany), director of the Center for African Studies in Basel (20011-2019), is a member of the Board of the International African Institute (London), co-editor of the African Sociological Review, member of the scientific board of DADOS, Africa Spectrum, Stichproben, Angolan Sociological Journal, etc.
He currently directs the PhD program at the Center for African Studies at the University of Basel and has a forthcoming publication (Sovereign Reason: Issues in the methodology of the social sciences. African Minds: Cape Town).