Carmen Monereo

- Department of Communication Sciences - Degree in Communication Sciences

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PhD in Communication Sciences from NOVA University of Lisbon, in 2021. Master in Communication and Media Studies, from Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Degree in Management from Technical University of Lisbon (ISCSP). Postgraduate in Financial Instruments, Products and Markets from Nova School of Business and Economics and in Cultural Management from Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 

Carmen Monereo has been an assistant professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, in the Department of Communication, since 2023. 

She has been an invited assistant professor at the University of São José in Macau since 2019 and at the University of Algarve since 2021. 

She is an integrated researcher at ICNOVA and a collaborating researcher at CIAC – Center for Research in Arts and Communication.

He has been developing research in the area of strategic communication with a focus on philanthropy, patronage and strategic partnerships in the business sector. 

She has been a supervisor for master's theses in Portugal, in Portuguese-speaking countries and in Macau (China), as well as an examiner for master's theses.

He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Revista Multidisciplinar and the team of reviewers of Revista Rotura.

Carmen Monereo has given lectures and conferences at Universities in several countries on four continents. She is the author of works on management, strategic communication, institutional communication, marketing, entrepreneurship and Creative Industries. 

He has extensive professional experience in the business sector, predominantly in the financial sector where he has worked since 1994, and in training for executives in Portugal, PALOP and the United States of America, in the latter where he lived.