8 Apr 2024 - 11:00 | 12 Apr 2024 - 11:00

The collective future of humanity will depend, among other things, on how we can proactively promote environmental sustainability. Citizens, companies and governments are the key actors in this process. Responsible companies view the issue of sustainability as a fundamental responsibility and an opportunity to create long-term value. This theme cannot, therefore, fail to influence the way companies are managed.

With the presence of an exceptional range of speakers, during UAL Sustainability Week we will discuss the topic from multiple perspectives, thus contributing to the training of our students as citizens and future relevant actors in the business context.


“The world is on fire, from the Amazon to California, from Australia to the Siberian Arctic. The hour is late, and the moment of consequence, so long delayed, is now upon us. Do we watch the world burn, or do we choose to do what is necessary to achieve a different future?


Denying climate change is tantamount to saying you don't believe in gravity. The science of climate change is not a belief, a religion, or a political ideology. It presents facts that are measurable and verifiable. Just as gravity exerts its force on all of us whether we believe in it or not, climate change is already affecting us all no matter where we were born or where we live. The irresponsibility of not 'believing in climate change' is becoming more apparent with every new catastrophic event. Climate deniers are shamelessly protecting the short-term financial interests of the fossil fuel industry to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own descendants.”

Figueres, C., & Rivett-Carnac, T. (2020). The Future We Choose. Manila Press.

The Climate Emergency

Filipe Duarte Santos

Opening of the Event
Magnificent Rector José Amado da Silva

Presentation of the “Sustainable Autonomous” competition
Prof. Samuel Silva

Companies for Sustainability
Filipa Pantaleão, Secretary General of BCSD Portugal

The Role of Corporate Sustainability – The Galp Case
Eva Leite

Sustainability in the Context of SMEs – The Case of Apple Producers in Alcobaça
Jorge Soares

Sustainability in the Context of Large Companies – The case of Águas de Portugal
José Furtado

Sustainability Report
Claudia Coelho

Sustainable entrepreneurship
João Afonso Henriques

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