Student Ombudsperson

The Student Ombudsman is an independent body of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa whose function is to defend and promote the rights and interests of students within the scope of the University.

The Student Ombudsman is appointed by the Instituting Entity (CEU), after consultation with the Rector, for periods of two years.

  1. It is incumbent upon the Student Ombudsman to attend to and appreciate all questions involving students and that may be raised by them, by the governing bodies of UAL or by the Instituting Entity.
  2. Following the hearings and diligences that he intends to carry out, the Student Ombudsman draws up a Recommendation addressed to the Instituting Entity, in the case of disciplinary matters, or to the Rector in other cases.



Dr. Ruy Manuel Correia de Seabra

Service subject to appointment through the following contacts:

Tel.: 21 317 76 92