Luso-Brazilian Seminar “Studies of the Portuguese Judicial System and the Ombudsman” | October 14th and 15th | Auditorium 1

14 Oct 2019 - 09:00

The International Seminar, whose theme is the “Portuguese Judicial System and the Ombudsman's Office”, aims to discuss, within the scope of Comparative Law, the rules of law applied in Portugal and Brazil, especially in the field of Labor Law.

The Seminar will have the presence of Judges and Judges of the Brazilian Labor Court, in addition to other professionals linked to the Brazilian judiciary such as Experts. The importance of this event is too much, as it presents and confronts the similarities and differences in the application of the rules of law in Portugal and in Brazil.


October 14

9 am | Reception

9:15 am | Opening (Table of Honor)
Reginaldo Rodrigues de Almeida, CEU Administrator
José Amado da Silva, Rector of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL)
Pedro Barbas Homem, Rector of the European University
Maria Lúcia Amaral, Ombudsman
Simão Aznar Filho, President of the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro
Júlio Manuel Vieira Gomes, Counselor of the Supreme Court of Justice
Pedro Trovão do Rosário, Director of the Law Department at UAL
Leonardo Pacheco, President of the College of Ombudsmen of the Labor Courts

9:40 am | Brief words from Doctors Carolina Gralha, Labor Judge and President of AMATRA IV and Evandro Krebs, Expert Engineer and President of APEJUST

10 am | Functions of the Ombudsman's Office
Maria Lúcia Amaral, Ombudsman

11 am | Portuguese Judicial System
Pedro Barbas Homem, Rector of the European University

11 am | coffee break

11:20 am | Labor Matters before the Supreme Court of Justice
Júlio Vieira Gomes, Counselor of the Supreme Court of Justice

11:50 am | Main Labor Protection Norms in Brazil
Sebastião Geraldo de Oliveira, Judge

Leonardo Pacheco, President of the College of Ombudsmen of the Labor Courts
Simão Aznar Filho, President of the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro



October 15, 2019

9:30 am | Law and Justice in a changing world
Alex Sander Pires, Lecturer and Researcher of the Ratio Legis at UAL

10 am | Historical singularities of the correction of rights to Law (18th to 20th centuries)
José Subtil, President of the Scientific Council of UAL

10:30 am | coffee break

11 am | Labor Law in Constitutional Law
Pedro Trovão do Rosário, Director of the Law Department at UAL

11:30 am | Judicial Expertise in the Brazilian Labor Process
Francisco Rossal de Araujo, Labor Judge

Lais Helena Nicotti, Ombudsman TRT 4 and Cultural Director of AMATRA IV
Julieta Pinheiro Neta, AMATRA IV Finance Director

12pm | Closing
Leonardo Pacheco, President of the College of Ombudsmen of the Labor Courts
Carla Dolezel, Director General of the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro

12:30 pm | Lunch