Introduce the concept of sustainability, presenting the three pillars and the 5P's of sustainable development, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and their connection with the sports sector. Highlight the framework of the relationship between sport and sustainability at an international level, with the guidelines of the United Nations and the International Olympic Committee. Explain the relationship between environmental sustainability and sports tourism, identifying the factors influencing its implementation and the various implications for management. Present several studies on environmental sustainability in sporting events and strategic leverage for implementing sustainability in sporting events.
Conference site coordinator. Regarding the decision to take the event to the Autonomous University of Lisbon, it stated that: “Portugal is a privileged place where policies to promote sport and physical activity are concentrated in line with European Union countries. We recognize the social, economic and integrity benefits of sport. Sport is more than sport, it causes emotion and leads to mobility between countries, which promotes the economy, tourism and diversity. It is an honor to host this conference and debate the challenges of sport today and in the future, in a European approach”.
Guest speaker
Researcher at CinTurs – Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being.
PhD in Sports Management (FMH); Master in Sports Management (FMH) and in Environmental Citizenship and Participation (UAB); Integrated Researcher at the Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CINTURS). Research interests: Nature Sports, Sports Events, Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Development.